4. How To Be Married And Not Be Murdered - Owen Benjamin | The Odyssey Online
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10 Stand-Up Performances Under 10 Minutes That Are Perfect For A Study Break

These short videos are funny enough to distract you from the horror of finals...at least momentarily.


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Finals are coming up, which means that a lot of cramming and procrastinating will be happening over the next couple of weeks. Here are 10 funny videos under 10 minutes that are short enough to fit into your study break...or assist you in further procrastination from studying in the first place.

1. Wrong Number - Jay Larson

When Jay Larson sees an unfamiliar phone number calling, instead of ignoring the call like most people, he decides to have a little fun with it. When the person on the other line begins to vent, Larson decides to pretend to be the person the caller is trying to reach. This creates a hilarious scenario and Larson keeps pushing to see how long he can keep the lie going.

2. Stand-Up Comedy Is A Lot Like Sex - Trevor Noah

Trevor Noah has a way of describing everyday life that never fails to generate laughter. He manages to shed light on mundane aspects of life in a unique way that extracts the humor from anything and everything.

3. Tips For Not Getting Murdered - Megan Gailey

In this hilarious segment, Megan gives her unique personal tips on how to avoid being murdered.

4. How To Be Married And Not Be Murdered - Owen Benjamin

Owen Benjamin talks about "Snapped," a TV show that talks about women who reach their breaking point and kill their husbands. He finds it particularly interesting how his girlfriend responds to the scenarios on the show. He describes the differences between men and women in relationships and how men are blind to subtle hints.

5. Swearing At My Teacher - Kevin Hart

You can never go wrong with a Kevin Hart comedy. In this hilarious section of his stand-up, he tells the story of the time his mom gave him permission to curse at a teacher.

6. Scar Isn't The Villan In "The Lion King" - Mike Lawrence

In his hilarious stand-up, Mike Lawrence sheds light on one of his favorite Disney movies and how the villian isn't who everyone thinks.

7. Losing Arguments With Your Wife After Her Brain Surgery - Jim Gaffigan

After his wife gets treated for a brain tumor, Jim begins to question the fruit-based tumor-sizing system.

8. Owning A Dog - Bill Burr

"Any dog is a good dog unless you're a psycho." In this video, Bill talks about how dogs feed off the vibes of the humans around them and match their temperament. When his dog seems to be acting crazy, he realizes that it probably has more to do with his own behavior.

9. When They Find Out You Need Sunscreen - Cory Rodrigues

Cory talks about a family vacation with his white girlfriend and his response to being told he "doesn't need" sunscreen.

Jaywalking Is A Fantasy Crime - Hannibal Buress

10. After getting a jaywalking ticket in Montreal, Hannibal begins to hilariously pick apart the situation.

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