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College Dorm Room Essentials

Start off the fall semester with these little necessities in your room!

College Dorm Room Essentials
Photo by Jose Fontano on Unsplash

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Preparing to move out is a big step. 4 days ago, I moved into my dorm and felt a range of emotions.

Excited, to start a new chapter of my life. Sad, to say goodbye to my parents. Nervous, about classes and this new, strange environment. Happy, to be dorming with one of my closest friends. It's a big adjustment that I wasn't sure I was ready for.

Of course now that I'm settled in and tackled my first day of class, I feel much more at ease! College is a big step but I'm excited to see what the next 4 years of my life will be like.

But of course, I forgot several things while I was moving in because unfortunately, not everything can run smoothly all the time!

Of course there's essentials like mini fridges and microwaves but there are definitely some smaller things that are important to keep by.

Here is a list of dorm room essentials that have really saved me these past 4 days, also containing the things I wish I hadn't forgotten at home!

1. Dry Erase Whiteboard/Calendar

dry erase board with cork

Having somewhere to write down reminders, notices, and homework assignments is extremely beneficial. Keeping it right above your desk or your workspace will help remind you of any assignments or deadlines coming up, it's pretty hard to forget something when it's staring right at you. I personally like having one with a cork board because you can add pictures to add a personal touch, or things like post it notes with more reminders!

2. Brita Pitcher

Brita water pitcher

It doesn't need to be a Brita, any water pitcher with a filtration system will do the trick, just get one! Of course, water is a necessity but using tons of plastic bottles or even gallons isn't the best for the environment. Getting a Brita and refilling it from time to time is a great investment. While you're at it, get a reusable water bottle too.

3. Shower Shoes

shower shoes

I especially recommend these if you're living in a traditional dorm and have to use a communal bathroom! These can protect your feet from the dorm shower floor, which trust me, will do you some good. They're cheap and super helpful when you have a shared bathroom situation. Keep it clean!

4. Laundry Bag Backpack

laundry hamper backpack

This has seriously helped me out since I live on the third floor of my building and laundry is on the first floor. You can just put your dirty clothes in the bag and then carry it down to your laundry area. Super convenient and cheap! I got mine from Target for around $7 and it's been a great use. I highly recommend this.

5. Mattress Topper

mattress topper

In order for some extra comfort, a mattress topper can be great to add some support to your firm dorm room mattress. Memory foam or gel infused ones make a surprisingly big difference when you put it on top of your regular mattress. If you're prone to back pain, I'd say get a thicker mattress topper in order to soften up your bed!

6. First Aid Kit

first aid

You never know when an emergency can occur, so it's really handy to have a small first aid kit around to be prepared for any bumps and bruises. Having things like bandaids, ointments, gauze pads, pain meds, and more can seriously save you if the time comes. Even just to treat minor aches and injuries, this is something you should keep on hand.

7. Stain Remover Stick

tide stain stick

This one applies a bit more towards me since the other day I got sriracha on a really nice pair of beige wide cut pants. I was not happy. But when you're eating in your room and spill something on yourself, these sticks get small food or drink stains out of your clothes before they set in. You may not need it, but it doesn't hurt to have it!

8. Posters!

my dorm room!

Sababa Tarrannum

Make your dorm room feel like a home! Give it a little personal touch with some posters of things you're interested in. This is my dorm room, where so far I've added a Harry Styles poster and a poster of one of my favorite movies, Parasite. My plain beige walls feel much less barren now. It's your room, give it some style and flair!

I'm really excited about living in my dorm, but it's important to make sure you have everything you need. In case of emergencies or mishaps, keep some relief like painkillers and such nearby. Give your room some personality and keep your essentials close! Happy Fall semester!!

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