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It's Time To Answer This Century's Question: Blogging Or Vlogging?

Let's David Dobrik this.


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Carrots 'N' Cak e Blogging has always been a popular thing to do. But over the past few years, vlogging has made its way into the hearts of many. It's just blogging, but instead of typing, you are recording everything or anything your heart desires. But which one is better?

Let's start with good ole' blogging. Blogging is a way to connect with people over a range of topics such as fashion, sports, lifestyle. Whatever you want- you name it. Blogging is also a way to connect with people who share the same interests as you or people who are looking for advice or looking for people who are going through the same thing as the blogger.

Blogging was created by Justin Hall in 1994 called Hall talks about how his father was an alcoholic and gives more details about his early life. Hall continues to discuss his college life and keeps his blog updated as life goes on. From what it seems - Hall's last update seems to be made sometime in 2018.

Blogger Justin Hall

Some of the most popular types of blogs are fashion, fitness, travel, or lifestyle blogs. For people who want a little style up and are on a budget, the budget fashionista blog has recommendations you need for low prices.

Some more popular blogs:

Carrots 'N' Cake

Advice on foods, workout routines and living a well-balanced life.

Fit Bottomed Girls

Helping you brace your inner confidence while providing different kinds of cardio and strength workouts and much more to make working out more fun.

A Beautiful Mess

Shares DIY home decor projects, recipes, craft ideas, beauty ideas and stories about life.

A Cup of Jo

A businesswoman and mom of who covers fashion, travel, beauty, design and pretty much anything and everything that her readers might relate to.

But due to the glorious internet always having new ways of sharing content, vlogging, video blogging, has been a popular type of blogging. It's easier since you can talk directly into a camera and share content that way instead of having to sit down and type everything out.

Vlogging is sort of a way to show more into people's everyday lives or to provide silly entertainment. Vlogging is most commonly found on YouTube. Many provide entertainment such as David Dobrik, Jenna Marbles, PewDiePie.

Other provide makeup help such as James Charles, Jeffrey Starr, Jaclyn Hill. Some other vloggers I love to watch are The Try Guys, Tyler Oakley, Liza Koshy, Kian and JC, Sam and Colby. There are tons of vloggers to choose and watch from- it's endless.

Which one do I love? Well, I love blogging because it's nice to read and look at pictures of different things and it's easier to hide and type then sit in front of a camera. But I also love vlogging because it's fun to see entertaining skits or YouTubers sitting down in front of millions of people and being vulnerable and reaching out to others to provide help.

It's almost as vlogging is more intimate in a way because you see them and their emotions. So, I may lean a little more towards vlogs, I apologize.

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