Whether it be hair care, skin care, self care, wardrobe care, pet care, kid care, health care, home care, you name it, there's a business for it. Right now, it's extremely important to support the Black community while fighting for the end of racism.
So, treat yourself, but more importantly, treat Black-owned businesses with your support.
Bob's Burgers is arguably one of the best and most well-written shows on tv today. That, and it's just plain hilarious. From Louise's crazy antics to Tina's deadpan self-confidence, whether they are planning ways to take over school or craft better burgers, the Belchers know how to have fun. They may not be anywhere close to organized or put together, but they do offer up some wise words once and awhile.
1. "I'm no hero. I put my bra on one boob at a time like everyone else."
Tina reminds us that we are all merely human.
2. "If you believe you're beautiful, you will be."
But sometimes self-confidence is difficult to maintain. That's why it's important to have people are who remind you how wonderful you are.
3. Family is always there for a good bedroom dance party.
4. Or even a kitchen dance party. As long as you're together and having fun, it will all be alright.
We're in college, none of us actually have anything together. In fact, not having anything together is one of our biggest stressors. However, there's a few little things that we do ever so often that actually make us feel like we have our lives together.
And no this does not include ramen or Annie's Mac & Cheese. Making a decent meal for yourself is one of the most adult things you can do living on campus. And the food is much better than it would be at the dining hall.
2. Wearing real clothes to class
You didn't wear sweatpants? CONGRATS!
3. Steering clear of procrastination
It's really tricky to avoid procrastination when you have 20 assignments to do because all of your professors put their deadlines in the same week. But when you somehow accomplish this sorcery you feel like a boss ass bitch.
4. Doing your laundry
There's no better feeling than having clean clothes in your closet. Try to do your laundry before it all piles up and you're stuck struggling to find enough washers open to fit all of your clothes in.
Nothing makes me happier than being able to clearly follow my notes after class. Your notes may not look quite like this beauty, but it's worth a shot!
6. Cleaning your room
Your bed is made, your sheets are clean, you vacuumed your floor. What is this magical world we have entered and can I stay here forever. It's a lot easier to have everything else in your life together when you wake up to this.
7. Going to the gym
The gym is (sorta) free right now, so you really should take advantage of it while you can. Exercise is awesome for you both physically and mentally.
Success! You've actually done something that will benefit you in the future. Go you! It takes a lot of dedication and work, but your GPA will thank you kindly!
I think the hardest thing about going away to college is figuring out how to become an adult. Leaving a household where your parents took care of literally everything (thanks, Mom!) and suddenly becoming your own boss is overwhelming. I feel like I'm doing a pretty good job of being a grown-up, but once in awhile I do something that really makes me feel like I'm #adulting. Twenty-somethings know what I'm talking about.
When I was younger, my mom took such good of me if I got sick. Now, if I puke, I have to clean it up. Gross. I also have to make my own chicken noodle soup. I wish my mom could take of me forever.
2. Making a to-do list
To-do lists are so mom-ish, but I thrive off of them. Plus, they make me feel accomplished as heck.
3. Planning your activities around the weather
It never fails to make me feel old when I say, "There's a chance of snow on Thursday. How about we do Friday instead?"
4. Scheduling your own doctor’s appointments
Most twenty-somethings fear talking on the phone, myself included. I draw the line at going to the doctor alone, though.
5. Getting your own toilet paper
Nothing makes me feel like I'm officially #adulting like picking up a giant pack of toilet paper at Target...or smuggling some rolls in my backpack.
6. Making food without needing to ask your mom questions
"Yeah, Mom? Can you use canola oil instead of vegetable oil? Okay, thanks."..."Hey Mom, me again. This recipe wants two cups of sugar, but I only have one and a half. Should I just try it anyways?"
7. Holding your tongue
In high school, I was a lot more willing to comment on racist Facebook statuses and sexist Tweets. Now, I'd rather just avoid the conflict. It isn't worth it.
8. Saving your paycheck (or your tax refund) to pay your bills
I was excited to get money back from my tax refund, but it all went right back into my bank account. When you're 20 years old, responsibilities come before shopping sprees, unfortunately.
9. Balancing your checkbook
Do people in their twenties write checks, or is it just me? There's something so satisfying about getting a sum in your checkbook that equals the sum on your bank account.
10. Going places alone
In high school, I didn't do anything alone. Now, I enjoy my solitude a little more. I walk to class alone and eat lunch by myself. It makes me appreciate my friends so much more!
I miss the days where my mom made my lunches for me. Now I just make a sandwich and wish someone had cut the crust off.
12. Actually eating your vegetables...on purpose
I never thought my fridge would have carrots, broccoli and celery in it. I still don't really like raw vegetables, but I know they're good for me, so I force myself to eat them.
13. Taking a multivitamin
I've got to make sure I'm getting all my vitamins so I can stay healthy. That way I don't have to call the doctor!
14. Planning a life after graduation
Resumes, cover letters and job applications are the worst part of #adulting because they remind me that, someday, I will be a full-time adult. Scary.
I went to a small high school, like 120-people-in-my-graduating-class small. It definitely had some good and some bad, and if you also went to a small high school, I’m sure you’ll relate to the things that I went through.
1. If something happens, everyone knows about it
Who hooked up with whom at the party? Yeah, heard about that an hour after it happened. You failed a test? Sorry, saw on Twitter last period. Facebook fight or, God forbid, real fight? It was on half the class’ Snapchat story half an hour ago. No matter what you do, someone will know about it.
2. Never getting to be invisible
I like to stand out, but even I sometimes wish I could just blend in. Whether it be a bad hair day, or a sick day, or just a day where you don’t want to talk to anyone, there are some times when you just want to be another face in the crowd so you don’t have to deal with anyone. You do not get this luxury at a small school. If your hair looks bad or your jeans have a hole in them, you feel like everyone is staring at you. If you’re in a bad mood, someone will still say hi to you in the hallway and you still have to smile and wave back, because they will notice if you don’t. Standing out can be a good thing, but never getting the protection of a crowd sometimes really sucks.
3. Knowing every single thing about every single person in the town
You’ve gone to school with most of these people since you were eight years old (or younger), so you know everything. You could tell me the name of someone in my grade, and I could probably tell you what they want to study, what side of town they live on, if they have any siblings, and where they’re going to college.
4. New kids are a big deal
Most new kid stories are that they felt forgotten and lost in such a big, scary school. Not in small schools! Every couple years when there was a new kid, everyone would want to talk to them, because we had been stuck talking to the same people for the last 12 years of our lives!
5. It’s hard to make new friends
Your friend pool is so small that having more than 5 close friends is a rarity for most people. Once you weed out the mean people, the annoying people, the people you don’t really click with, and the people who have no interest in you, you’re down to a low number of potential best friends.
6. On that note ... the dating pool is even smaller!
Most people’s boyfriends come from out of town, because who wants to date the kid who knew you when you had braces or the girl who saw you pee your pants in 1st grade? Better to find someone who can know you for the person you are now and not the acne-covered tween you were then!
7. Teachers are weirdly close to their students
Not in a bad way, but I know a lot of people at my school who are really close to one teacher or another. Whether it's the advisor to a club or the teacher of your favorite subject, odds are that every student in a small school has a teacher that they can go to for anything.
8. It forced you to make friends out of school
Because your school was so small, you knew that going out of town was your only hope to make more than two friends! This forced you to get out of your comfort zone and find new people to hang out with, who might have later turned into your best friends.
I'm assuming that we've all heard of the hit
90's TV series, Friends, right? Who hasn't? Admittedly, I
had pretty low expectations when I first started binge watching the show on
Netflix, but I quickly became addicted.
Without a doubt,
Chandler Bing is the most
relatable character, and there isn't an episode where I don't find myself
thinking, Yup, Iam definitely the Chandler of my friend group.
Here are 10 Chandler moments that made us all see the "Chan Chan Man" within all of us.