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6 Places You Need To Visit If You're A Vegan Visiting Richmond, VA

Richmond is a city that has an amazing vegan community filled with great food and awesome people.

6 Places You Need To Visit If You're A Vegan Visiting Richmond, VA
Selena Spezio

Living about 20 minutes from Richmond for many years has been such a blessing, but now that I'm away at college I experience the actually good vegan food crazing almost every day. Richmond is a one-of-a-kind city with amazing vegan food and so much more. To help cope with the sadness of my daily Richmond food crazings, I have created a list of some restaurants that have amazing vegan food!

For me and for your taste buds, if you're even in Richmond you have to take that opportunity to try out some of these amazingly restaurants!

Hang Space

About 15 minutes outside of Richmond, Hang Space, a 100% vegan eatery, is an awesome place to grub out with some vegan comfort food. If you're looking for good fried food, this is the place to go! Hang Space is a cozy eatery with a laid back environment where you can find loads of crazy delicious desserts! A typical menu consists of two mashed potato bowls, one a crispy chikin bowl and the other a BBQ tofu bowl.

The beyond burger is turned into a traditional cheez burger, along with the burger, they have the Chik-fil-Ain't, their twist on a traditional Chick-fil-A sandwich, and a chicken farm sub that is to die for! every week they may have a special on the menu, items change all the time. Stop by this eatery for a homey feel filled with some of the sweetest people.

Check out their Instagram for updates and pictures that'll make you drool.

Fresca on Addison

Just a few blocks from Cary Town, Fresca on Addison is a small Vegetarian Bistro filled with delicious choices that can be easily made vegan! They emphasize that they buy local, organic, fresh, healthy, and "damn good" foods for their restaurant. Choices at Fresca include stone oven pizzas, sandwiches, hearty soups, big stepson brown rice, quinoa, awesome desserts, and great coffee. Fresca is a small place good for grabbing a bite with a friend! Head to their Instagram for pictures of their sweet treats and other dishes!

Ipanema Cafe LLC

Ipanema is a laid back restaurant and bar great for dinner and some drinks! It is a full-service vegetarian restaurant filled with awesome food. They are known for their great food, desserts, and an outstanding bar. Ipanema is a long-standing Richmond restaurant that never disappoints. Their many vegan and vegetarian options bring customers back! Their menu ranges from creative salads to great portioned entrees like the chicken fried tempeh or the molé jackfruit tacos. With a knowledgable and respectful staff, this is a great restaurant for a night out on the town with some delicious food and good drinks! Check out their Instagram for specials and updates!

The Daily Bar and Grill

The Daily Bar and Grill, one on Cary street and another recently established in Short pump, is a great place to go when you looking for a lively environment fit for everyone. It is not a vegan or vegetarian restaurant, but they have some yummy options. The tempeh sandwich is my personal favorite, along with the Torte chocolate cake that is to die for. A few burritos or rice bowl options are available with tofu, and they have fried heart of palms with imitate fried calamari. The daily is a wide-open nature vibe restaurant with greens and browns to top off the vibes. It is a great place to go when you have a big group who all have different dietary needs! Check out their Instagram to see their posts of all the great food they serve.

NuVegan Café

NuVegan is the place to go when you're looking for hearty soul food. It is a cafeteria style restaurant where everything is displayed and you tell the employee what you want. They are 100% vegan with great options including desserts! Its a great place for when you're on the move and need somewhere to just grab something and go! It is a unique taste that differs from the usual things downtown, and certainly a great place to check out! Head over to their Instagram to check out specials and events happening!

821 Café

821 Cafe is a cute and quirky little restaurant with all the works! They're a joint for everyone, with all sorts of different options to choose from. 821 always has vegan options available that are so crazy good. They have specials every day that change daily, along with set menu items that are vegan, and items that can be modified to be vegan! They offer beer and wine for a relaxed dinner and they're always a happening place. I personally love their breakfast and brunch options, and it's a great spot because it's right in the VCU area. Check out their Instagram for updates on specials and operation hours!

Each of these establishments has their own food tastes and items that make them so amazing, so you can't go to just one! Make it a day (or a few days) and explore Richmond and all the amazing food and culture it has to offer.

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