9. "You Make Me Feel..." - Cobra Starship ft. Sabi | The Odyssey Online
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10 2000s Throwback Songs You Forgot About

They deserved better and you know it.

10 2000s Throwback Songs You Forgot About

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There are countless bops released years ago that continue to be played by millions, but forgotten by others. When listening to old songs, it's important to not only play the ones that everyone knows and loves but also the songs that were only popular briefly and could be considered "one hit wonders." Here are 10 throwback songs that you most likely forgot about, but we all know they were everything we needed way back when.

1. "Pretty Girl Rock" - Keri Hilson

If you didn't lip sync to this track, you missed out on a lot.

2. "Pocketful of Sunshine" - Natasha Bedingfield

Hopefully, you'll be turning on this song soon and dreaming about warmer weather.

3. "Crush" - David Archuleta

David deserved better.

4. "Just Dance" - Lady Gaga

"Shallow" may be incredible now, but let's not forget about this bop from 2008.

5. "Beautiful Girls" - Sean Kingston

Sean Kingston was truly the man, the myth and the legend about a decade ago.

6. "Party Like A Rockstar" - Shop Boyz

A jam.

7. "Life Is a Highway" - Rascal Flatts

Yes, this song was in the Cars soundtrack.

8. "Airplanes" - B.o.B ft. Hayley Williams

This collaboration continues to impress me even almost a decade later.

9. "You Make Me Feel..." - Cobra Starship ft. Sabi

A bop that should never be forgotten.

10. "Without You" - David Guetta ft. Usher

Usher and David Guetta? It was pretty amazing.

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