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9 Shows To Binge-Watch ASAP Now That 'The Office' Is No Longer On Netflix

There are simply too many options and not enough time to watch them all!

9 Shows To Binge-Watch ASAP Now That 'The Office' Is No Longer On Netflix
Photo by JESHOOTS.COM on Unsplash

Binge-watching. We are all guilty of doing it, and most of us feel no shame about it! Netflix is one of the best streaming networks to watch high-quality original shows, and it has been a way for me to find some of my all-time favorite shows! Here are some shows that I consider worthwhile to watch!

1. "The Umbrella Academy"

The Umbrella Academy | Netflix Official Site

This show has it all: superpowers, a looming threat to humanity, murder, and a father with no empathy towards his adopted children, leaving them all with daddy-issues. "The Umbrella Academy" is a perfectly mixes humor and violence that makes this show one of my favorites to watch!

2. "Cobra Kai"

Cobra Kai | Netflix Official Site

If you haven't already binge-watched it, then you are missing out! "Cobra Kai" is basically a sequel to the "Karate Kid" movies but shows the older selves of Daniel LaRusso and Johnny Lawrence, who both still bear a grudge toward each other, as well as the mentees they both take under their wings. This show is SUPER good, and my description shows it ABSOLUTELY no justice! I recommend watching it yourself to understand how amazing it is!

3. "Selena: The Series"

Selena: The Series | Netflix Official Site

While "Selena: The Series" is only one season long (so far), it is super entertaining, and I was hooked from episode one! The show is about Selena Quintanilla, a famous singer, and shows her rise to fame as well as what her family had to sacrifice to get to get there! Give it a chance. and you will definitely find the show worth your while!

4. "Anne with an E"

Anne with an E | Netflix Official Site

"Anne with an E" is genuinely so well done! The acting is amazing, the storyline is heartfelt, and it has realistic takes on racism, sexism, and bullying. It is a shame that the show was cancelled after only three seasons, but those three seasons have definitely become a favorite of mine!

5. "Good Girls"

Is 'Good Girls' on Netflix UK? Where to Watch the Series - New On Netflix UK

If you haven't watched "Good Girls," you NEED to! This show is about three moms who are struggling to take care of their kids. They struggle with husband and baby daddy drama, as well as barely making enough money to get through each day. One day they rob a supermarket, and their lives spiral from there. I love this show so much!

6. "Instant Hotel"

Instant Hotel | Netflix Official Site

"Instant Hotel" is a reality television show where we follow multiple homeowners who have made their houses, apartments, and even BOATS into a hotel where they judge each other based on a night's stay. My family and I loved binging the first season of this show. The second season was okay, but the cast was very infuriating. Overall, it is so entertaining to see the beautiful hotels and hear the reviews from other people!

7. "Insatiable"

Insatiable | Netflix Official Site

Now I will be the first to admit that I was not sure if I was going to like the show because of all the negative reviews I had seen online. However, this show is a super entertaining satire comedy about a bullied teenager who uses beauty pageants as a way to take revenge on people who have done her wrong. This show has so many things that happen--a love triangle, multiple murders, drug use, eating disorders--and it sucked me into a binge-watching frenzy!

P.S. This show is NOT about a girl who became skinny and magically solved all her problems. They actually got worse. Trust me. Give the show a try.

8. "Avatar: The Last Airbender"

Avatar: The Last Airbender | Netflix

"Avatar: The Last Airbender" is not a show that is just for kids! Adults and teens alike will LOVE how well made this show is. The storyline is AMAZIING, the characters all have depth, and the underlying messages are fantastic! If you have lived under a rock and never heard of the show, it is about the avatar Aang, who disappeared for 100 years when the fire nation attacked all the other nations. Now Aang, a mere 12-year-old must end the war with the help of his new friends!

I give this show a 10/10!

9. "Nailed It"

Nailed It! | Netflix Official Site

"Nailed It" is my FAVORITE food show on all of Netflix! The hosts are so funny, and the contestants are definitely not the professionals that you would see in that genre! The show is about three bakers (who cannot bake) competing in super complicated challenges for $10,000. Every challenge always results in a disaster and it is a lovely breath of fresh air considering the usual perfection you see in other baking shows!

Overall, these are some of the shows I recommend you all watch! Although they may not all be your favorites, I hope that you like one or two on the list!

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This article has not been reviewed by Odyssey HQ and solely reflects the ideas and opinions of the creator.
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