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20 Reasons 'Zoey 101' Was The Greatest Television Show Ever

Because who didn't want to go to school at PCA?

20 Reasons 'Zoey 101' Was The Greatest Television Show Ever

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In 2005, Nickelodeon canceled one of the greatest shows they have ever aired. Here's 20 great things from the show to bring you back to your childhood days.

Pacific Coast Academy

More commonly known as PCA and the beautiful campus that was home to our beloved boarding school students.


When the boys and girls competed to win their own Jet-X's by making some awesome commercials, you knew you also wanted to have your own to ride around campus on.

The Dorms

First off, those dorms were HUGE, seriously bigger than an average size bedroom, so colorful and fun. I'd want to live there.

The Lounge

Personal soda machine, big television, pool table and also had two stories to it. Without a doubt, they had some of the best places to live on that campus, even in the early 2000s.

The Campus

What a big campus, always so much to do. Whether it be to stop at the coffee carts on every corner or head down to the beach that surrounded the campus. Who has time for homework when there is so much to do?

Sushi Rox

You want some sushi? No worries, just walk right up the hill and there is your own personal sushi bar right on campus. Too lazy to leave your bed? Don't worry, they deliver.

Blix Drinks

It's not Gatorade, it's not Powerade, it's a Blix! We know we all wanted to try these back in the day, so hey, pass me a Blix, and get your hand on a Blix van!

Zoey Brooks

Everyone wanted to be best friends with Zoey. She made the show what it was, we loved Zoey and how she never failed to make it go right. Who could forget her love triangles with Chase and James? If only we knew what she said in that time capsule. Well, Zoey, we can't quite ever forgive you for getting the show canceled, your daughter is pretty adorable.

Chase Matthews

Everybody's favorite curly haired cutie. Chase's crush on Zoey related to so many of us. His quirkiness never failed to make us smile. He even (unsuccessfully) transferred to a school in London to be with Zoey. In the end, he finally made it out of the friendzone and got his girl.

Logan Reese

Let's be real, Logan was hot, but nobody really liked him for the first three seasons (until he dated Quinn in season four). He was rich, snobby and used his money to buy anything he wanted. He really only looked out for himself, but deep down we still enjoyed him because the Chase, Michael and Logan bromance couldn't have been possible without him.

James Garrett

Hottie. Hottie. Hottie. When James first showed up on our T.V. screens, we fell in love. While Chase was away at the other school, James was a good (fill in) boyfriend for Zoey while we waited for Chase to come back.

Michael Barret

Michael, the man who never failed to make us laugh, the stud basketball player who could also play the flute. Whether it was his crazy doodles, stupid jokes, or made up slang, PCA would never have been so fun without him.

Lola Martinez

Lola was played by the one and only Victoria Justice and she kills any role she plays. She was one and a million and nobody could have played Lola like her. Lola was obsessed with yoga and when she dated Vince, you know we all secretly loved it.

Quinn Pensky

Quirky, weird, science obsessed Quinn who tested a new experiment in every episode. Her and Mark were definitely some couple. But our hearts felt so much joy when Quinn was happily dating Logan (because who saw that one coming). We love you Quinn, long live the banapple.

Coco Wexler

Say it with me, the WORST dorm adviser ever. You never saw her not eating or crying over her long-term beau Carl. But let's be real, the episodes with Coco were better than most.

Dustin Brooks

Zoey's younger, adorable brother who always seemed to be finding himself in some kind of trouble. We love you Dustin and wish you could never grow up.

Nicole Bristow

Boycrazy Nicole who never seemed to make sense about anything she was saying. Honestly, I wasn't very sad to see her character leave at the end of season two after being diagnosed with OMGD (Obsessive Male Gender Disorder) if that's even a real thing.

The Squad

Zoey, Lola, Quinn, Chase, Michael and Logan forever the best group of friends. Thank you for the crazy times and giving us such a great childhood television show.

The Final Episode

60 minutes of pure happiness, but also sadness as "Zoey 101" finally came to a close. Here is the link to the last episode where everything good finally happens in the end. Chasing Zoey

The 10 years later episode

And you thought they would never make another episode...10 years later and the time capsule is finally opened. Click the link to watch the special extra episode that was aired in 2015 to find out what Zoey said about Chase all those years ago.

Forever in our hearts, long live PCA.

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