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Auburn Basketball: Top 10 Highlights From The First 10 Games Of The Year

The Tigers have had some jaw dropping plays to start off the season.

Auburn Basketball: Top 10 Highlights From The First 10 Games Of The Year

The Auburn University Men's Basketball Team have had a great start to the season. With an 11-2 record and a number twelve ranking in the latest AP Poll, the Tigers are looking to continue their success heading into SEC play.

10 games into the season, let's take a look at some of the best moments the team has had on the hardwood thus far.

Harper's Big Poster

Surprised? Probably not.

In the first round of the Maui Invitational, Auburn was locked in an overtime battle against Xavier and was looking for an opportunity to take advantage.

Jared Harper answered the call, coming off the pick and roll and postering a Xavier defender to take control of the game.

Auburn would go on to 88-79 and Harper would earn the number one play on Sportscenter's Top 10 plays.

Dunbar's Defense Leads to Offense

Get ready to see a lot of Malik Dunbar in this countdown.

In a tough, neutral site win against the UAB Blazers, Dunbar had a prolific block that led to an alley-oop slam at the other end, earning him the number two spot on the list.

Jared Harper Silences the Crowd

Another clutch moment from the Xavier game came late in the second half when Jared Harper hit a big three to take the lead and effectively silence the Musketeer crowd.

Expect to see more clutch baskets from the point guard as the campaign progresses.

Harper's lob to Dubar vs. UNC Asheville

In a big win against UNC Asheville, one of the big moment of the game was when Jared Harper had back to back Lob City esque passes to his teammates who finished them off.

Dunbar, who finished the latter of the passes, receives a higher slot as a result of the exclamation point he put on the end of his dunk.

Harper's lob to Spencer

This was the predecessor to the Dunbar lob, with Harper lofting it up to Horace Spencer for the sweet finish.

Another Harper to Dunbar Connection

Another game another Harper to Dunbar connection, this time in a resounding win against the Washington Huskies.

Back to Back Slams to End the Game

In a big win against Mississippi College, back to back dunks occurred in the closing minutes of the game.

McCormick flies against the Flyers

In a Saturday night win against Dayton, Jared Harper connected with his fellow point guard J'Von McCormick.

McLemore with the finish against Duke

In the game against Duke, McLemore got the Tigers off to a great start with this play.

The team would go to lose to the Blue Devils 78-72

Special Moment for the Walk-On

A great moment came in the game against Saint Peters, when freshman walk-on Preston Cook broke out in transition and attacked the rim, sending the Auburn Arena crowd into a frenzy and earning the final spot on the list

Auburn fans should expect to see more amazing highlights from the team going forward into January.

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