There have been 30 theatrically released films based on hit video games. The first one ever was "Super Mario Bros" and if we all recall correctly, it was a joke.
And I feel like we all agree, most movies based on these games are a complete and utter joke; they fall flat and disappoint every nerd out there. I mean c'mon, can we really blame Dwayne Johnson for "Doom" turning out to be complete crap? It's just the video game-to-movie curse.
So, let's jump back 18 hours to last night when, out of nowhere, Regency and Ubisoft dropped the trailer for the upcoming video game-to-film adaptation, "Assassin's Creed."
You haven't seen it yet? Do yourself a favor and watch it before you continue.
Wait, what did you just watch? You watched one of the most promising trailers for a video game-to-movie adaptation that may actually surpass our expectations. So what's so good about it?
1. Abstergo
While the base of the plot is a tad different than the game, I was glad when I saw Abstergo. They've got the facility down. And the Animus seems pretty on point.
2. The Scenery
As soon as Fassbender enters the Animus, it looks like the video game came to life. The whole world they've created is way too surreal.
3. Fassbender
All I'm gonna say. Fassbender. He's not playing Desmond Miles or Altair or Ezio. He's playing Callum Lynch -- a newbie in the "Assassin's Creed" universe. He's playing a descendant of Spanish assassin, Aguilar de Nerha. We aren't familiar with either of their stories.
4. Eagle's Dive
Did anyone else flip when they saw Fassbender dive like we all have done numerous times in the game?
I think we're going to be graced with the first faithful game-to-movie adaptation, and it's going to be awesome.