9 Things To Do If You're Spending Spring Break At Home
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9 Things To Do If You're Spending Spring Break At Home

Sometimes you gotta make your own fun.

9 Things To Do If You're Spending Spring Break At Home

While others frolic off to the beach or other exciting adventures, I will be spending my Spring Break days at home, as usual. I have spent every Spring Break, elementary, middle, high school, and college, at home except for one. I actually prefer it that way since I rarely ever get to see my family and friends. I'm sure that's what a lot of us broke college kids will be doing.

But don't you fret, my friends. Because I have spent so many breaks at home, I have perfected the art of not vacationing but still having loads of fun, alone or with friends! Below are 9 budget friendly things to do if you're stuck at home on Spring Break

1) Organize a section of your room:

They don’t call it Spring Cleaning for nothing! Spring Break is the perfect time to tackle that problem area of your room you have been avoiding like the plague. Trust me, you will feel so much better after finally organizing your desk drawers or color coding your closet or alphabetizing your book shelf. You’ll feel accomplished like you do after finishing a big test or project but without all the stress of studying. And if you’re really brave (or really bored), why not take on the whole room!

2) Read a Book:

Reading isn’t for everyone which I totally respect. But personally, I LOVE reading which is why it’s so heartbreaking that I never have the time to read anything that isn’t part of school curriculum. Take advantage of down time during Spring Break to read that book you bought months ago that’s sadly collecting dust on your shelf. Let literature distract you from the fact that you aren’t on some fabulous vacation. If you need a book to read, I recommend The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks by Rebecca Skloot, The Devil in the White City or In the Garden of Beasts by Erik Larson, or Is Everyone Hanging Out without Me and Other Concerns by Mindy Kaling.

3) Create the Perfect Playlist(s):

I’m not talking about some measly little 25 song playlist. I’m talking about the Mac Daddy of all playlists. A playlist so unmatched, it is dubbed the Meryl Streep of playlists. It should be massive and have equal parts of each genre you love, plus some new tunes you’re giving a test drive, and a healthy dose of throwback jams. Or you could even create a handful of small playlists that are perfect for different parts of your daily routine. A playlist for your morning shower. A playlist for strutting to class. A playlist for working out. A playlist for doing the dishes. Heck even a playlist for making playlists. The possibilities are endless and it’s a great way to kill time and still have fun by yourself.

4) Find a New Hobby:

I know this is beyond cliché but I connect with this on a spiritual level. Since I never go anywhere for Spring Break I have taught myself how to do so many crafty things over the years. One Spring Break I taught myself how to cross stitch. Another Spring Break I taught myself how to do pirouettes. And during a particularly slow Spring Break I taught myself how to make my tongue into a four-leaf clover (it is not an ability I was born with but you can do anything with hard work). Even if it’s something small like teaching yourself how to cook an egg 3 different ways or learning how to make bomb ass tie dye, spending the week trying new things is fun, even if you’re doing it alone!

5) Take a Walk:

Walking is nature’s Xanax. When you just need to chill out and forget about the craziness of your world, take a walk. It can be short, long, and anywhere in between but just to be alone with your thoughts and perhaps the perfect playlist (See number 3 in this article) can be the perfect remedy for stress. Exercise releases endorphins which are the things that make you feel all good and tingly inside. So, if you’re spending your Spring Break stressing about all the things you have to do when you get back, carve out some time for a walk. You’ll be glad you did. Stroll alone or grab a buddy!

6) Volunteer:

No matter where you live, I can guarantee that there is an organization or club that would love a helping hand. Homeless shelters, animal shelters, boys and girls clubs, soup kitchens, environmental clean-up crews, to name a few, are always searching for a kind stranger to lend their time. Yes, you may not have been able to afford a beach trip this year but think of how fortunate you still are. Giving back to your community, even for a few hours, is a great way to show appreciation for all that life has to offer you. A quick online search for your city should provide you with plenty of volunteer opportunities. If you’re in the greater Atlanta area, handsonatlanta.org is a great place to start!

7) Take a Day Trip Somewhere Local:

So, you couldn’t afford a week long Spring Break extravaganza but that doesn’t mean you can’t have an adventure. Look for things within a reasonable distance to you that you haven’t tried. A trail you have been wanting to hike. A hole in the wall record store you’ve been wanting to check out. A museum exhibit that is calling your name. There are plenty of fun, new places to explore around you that won’t break the bank!

8) Take a Class:

Before you go running and screaming, let me explain. I know it’s hard to believe because college has sucked out our souls but there are classes you can take for fun. Shocking, I know. Is there something you’ve been dying to try but you don’t feel comfortable trying to teach yourself? Take a class for it! There are classes for everything from salsa dancing to swimming to baking to self-defense. It’s a great way to learn something safely and meet people who want to learn the same things as you. I’ve never done this myself but since I will be spending Spring Break at home, I might just try this!


Don’t go crazy but do something that’s just for you. Whether it’s getting a treat from that kind of pricey bakery you never get to go to or getting a mani/pedi or buying nosebleed seats to a game or splurging on a new outfit, do something special for yourself this Spring Break. College is stressful. Extremely stressful. Sometimes it feels like we’re still freaking out about it during Spring Break. So, sometime in those nine blissful class free days, do something that will make your heart a bit happier than usual.

Now go forth and make your own fun!

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