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9 Reasons Why Winter Is My Favorite Season

No, it's just because of Christmas.

9 Reasons Why Winter Is My Favorite Season

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Winter is the prettiest season in my opinion; no spring allergies, snow, and blankets and all things cozy.

1. Snow

I always had this fascination with snow. Since I was a kid, that would be the only time I would go outside and play. It wasn't like the summer where I'd splash around in a pool, but actually make something out of snow, whether it's leaving a trail of footprints, snow angels, or a snowman.

2. I dress better

Even though I tolerate heat way better, I stand by the cold because I can bundle up. This means layering with sweaters, a nice coat, scarves, and beanies with cute socks and boots. It beats the t-shirt, athletic shorts, and flip-flops I'd run out of the house within the summer.

3. Nutcracker season

I'm a huge ballet fan. The only Christmas music I really enjoy is from the Nutcracker ballet. I'm going to see New York City Ballet's performance with my mom and I couldn't be more excited.

4. Gifts

Receiving gifts are always great, but I really like giving small treats to my friends. I would make small holiday goodie-bags with chocolates and mini candy canes to my classmates before winter break.

5. Fuzzy things

I enjoy bundling up. I love fuzzy socks because they're very fun and cute. It's also time to break out all of the throw blankets all over the house.

6. Eating good 

Christmas means family dinners, which mean feasting. My personal favorite is are pecan pie and sugar cookies. I have a big sweet tooth.

7. Winter break

The holidays call for a break from school. Whether you're going to a tropical location to avoid the cold or staying at home, you get a break at the end of the year. (Or just stay home by yourself like Kevin here.)

8. Family and friend time

Going off of winter break, everyone from schools and work offices have a couple of days off. This is the time to catch up with friends and family you didn't get to see over the shorter Thanksgiving break. Make the most out the time you have with them.

9. Festive aesthetic

The snow is fun to play with but is transforms everything when it's left alone. Add some lights under the snow to get an elegant glimmer when it becomes dark outside.

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