Finals mean focus. But you would rather do everything but that.
1. Watch a TV series on Netflix.
Out of every other time to watch the entire season of "The Office," you choose to watch all nine seasons instead of writing your term paper.
2. Time to reorganize my entire room.
What better time to color coordinate your closet and organize your shoes by heal size then when you should be studying for Psychology?
3. Social media.
Facebook pictures and YouTube videos have never seemed so interesting before.
4. Day dreaming.
Day dreaming has never happened so often, but when it comes to studying for finals, it's almost unpreventable.
5. Making weekend plans.
Ever notice how you seem to make detailed plans far in advance when you should be focusing on planning your Biology outline?
6. Eating.
Sure eating is an everyday occurrence. But ever notice how you seem to eat more when you should be studying? Stress eating is one of the best distractions (am I right?).
7. Mixing up the simplest things.
Finals has officially gotten to you, that Chemistry and Geometry seem to become the same class.