7 Reasons Barack Obama Should Be Your Favorite President | The Odyssey Online
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7 Reasons Barack Obama Should Be Your Favorite President

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7 Reasons Barack Obama Should Be Your Favorite President
David Sipress for The New Yorker

Besides being the first black president our country has had, Obama is also the coolest president we’ve ever had. He cracks jokes regularly during his appearances but also gets emotional when tragedies occur; he's real. It’s also clear that he’s a great husband and father. Due to the rise of social media in the past eight years, his life and personality are more exposed to the public than past presidents, and it's helped make him relatable. Here are some things that have made me love Barack Obama besides all of his stances and actions on the many issues our country faces.

1. The 2015 White House Correspondents Dinner

Obama’s speech at the White House Correspondents Dinner in 2015 was hilarious. If you live under a rock and have never seen it, you can watch the full speech here. Obama delivers a laughter-filled speech of his own before Keegan-Michael Key of "Key & Peele" joins him and acts as his anger translator as he has done in the past in his viral videos.

2. He did a Buzzfeed video.

The video Obama shot in collaboration with Buzzfeed shows the President doing things that everyone does such as taking selfies, making faces in the mirror and practicing speeches. The whole video was on the premise of our president being just a regular guy...and to promote Obamacare.

3. He calls it like it is.

After Kanye’s famous interruption of Taylor Swift’s VMAS acceptance speech, the President made an off-the-record comment that eventually leaked that summed up how almost everyone else was thinking at the time.

4. His State of the Union in 2015.

When Republicans cheered at Obama not having any more campaigns to run, he replied with “I know because I won both of them.”

5. Michelle.

The first lady is one of the coolest we've seen. She's an awesome dancer and has no problem being goofy, just like her husband.

She also has no problem throwing shade at John Boehner.

Michelle and Barack are couple goals of the century because it's obvious they still love each other after 23 years of marriage. The ultimate power couple.

6. Sasha and Malia

We all know how the Obama kids slayed the fashion game at the First State Dinner this year.

But they also appreciated their dad jokes this past Thanksgiving.

7. The whole family in general is goals.

Over the past eight years, Obama has provided us not only with funny speeches and honest comments, but with a family that all Americans should admire.

Obamas, you will be missed.

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