6 Reasons Why I'm Super Excited For 'Ghostbusters' 2016 | The Odyssey Online
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6 Reasons Why I'm Super Excited For 'Ghostbusters' 2016

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6 Reasons Why I'm Super Excited For 'Ghostbusters' 2016

OK, so the new "Ghostbusters 3" trailer is finally out and it is all kinds of awesome. I’m talking girl power, ghost-busting, proton-pack kind of awesome. Sure, there are a lot of fans who are mad about the new film because there is a huge negative stigma attached to reboots, but I honestly don’t care. I’m the biggest "Ghostbusters" fan in the universe, so I have to say I was a little skeptical about the reboot myself, but after this glorious 90-second look into Paul Feig’s take on our favorite classic comedy about ghosts, I have definitely changed my tune. I have made a list of the six reasons why I am excited for this film, and why you should be, too.

1. Girl power

As soon as I saw Kate McKinnon, Kristen Wiig, Leslie Jones and Melissa McCarthy pop up, I nearly fainted from excitement. There is nothing I love and respect more than funny women, especially these women. In fact, I can’t fathom why the fact that the new Ghostbusters are female bothered so many people. I looked at the comment section of the trailer on YouTube, and it was riddled with sexist comments about how women are not funny, and I was so disgusted, I almost took a shower. This is 2016, who says there can’t be kick-butt female Ghostbusters?!

2. Paul Feig is an awesome director

Have you seen "Spy" and "Bridesmaids?" This guy has great comedic chops and I have complete faith in his judgment. There is no doubt in my mind that he will stay true to my beloved "Ghostbusters." Of the footage I have seen, I can say he’s done a pretty good job incorporating the charm of the original films, but also giving them a fresh twist that will hopefully relate to a younger audience.

3. The new ghosts are cool

There was plenty of ghostly action in the trailer, and looks like these new ghosts are nothing short of terrifying. I’ll admit it, as much as I like the classic films, they were limited in the effects department. I love the cheesy, 1980s practical effects as much as anyone, but seeing these sick looking CGI apparitions made me more geeked about "Ghostbusters" than ever before. However, The Grey Lady never fails to scare the crap out of me.

4. Slimer is back

Guess who's back, back again. He was only in like two seconds of the trailer, but he is back, and slimier than ever. Let’s be honest, he practically stole the show in the first two films. It wouldn’t be "Ghostbusters" without him.

5. The gadgets

Feig really did his homework here, and he actually brought in a real physicist from MIT to assist in making the gear in the film look as scientifically accurate as possible. The new proton packs are super high-tech and look beautiful, I cannot wait to see them in action. And we can’t forget about Ecto-1, which in this movie, is a renovated hearse. Yeah, that’s right, a hearse. Very clever, Feig, very clever.

6. Kate McKinnon, Kate McKinnon, Kate McKinnon

I am literally losing my gosh darn mind over Kate McKinnon’s character, Dr. Jillian Holtzmann. That wink; what does it mean?!

Look at her, she is a mad scientist and she licks proton guns.

And she still wears funny costumes.

Her essence is all sorts of zany and weird. She does her own thing and she looks super cool doing it. And her clothes. I give mad props to the wardrobe department, because I need some Holtzmann-style goggles in my life right now.

So there you have it, this is why I pumped up for this movie. If you are still not convinced about how cool this film is gonna be, I encourage you all to watch the trailer and see for yourselves. Let's not shoot it down just yet, I have a good feeling about these ladies.

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