50 Thoughts You Have When Moving Into Your First Apartment | The Odyssey Online
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50 Thoughts You Have When Moving Into Your First Apartment

Did I remember underwear?

50 Thoughts You Have When Moving Into Your First Apartment

1.This lease is long.

2. When’s my Dad's birthday?

3. I hope I like my roommates.

4. Ok, I have a little while to get it all together.

5. Oh god, I have 3 months.

6. What do I need?

7. What do I want my bed to look like?

8. What should I put on the walls?

9. Will I need lights?

10. Do we have a tv?

11. What living area stuff should I take over?

12. Oh no, only a month left!

13. MOM! Stop buying me stuff!

14. Where is my tapestry?

15. Do the string lights work?

16. How will I pack all of this?

17. I guess ill have to use vacuum bags.

18. Ok, my clothes are packed, now for everything else.

19. I should text the group.

20. Do we have things to eat on?

21. Did I pack enough food?

22. Do I have enough deodorant? I don't want them to think I smell.

23. Did I pack enough sweaters?

24. Ok. everything is packed.

25. Sh*t! I forgot shampoo

26. I can't forget my chargers.

27. Where’s my laptop?

28.Ok, now I have everything.

29. Oh no, this pile is huge.

30. Will this fit in the car?

31. Ok, I have to leave some stuff. What can I part with?

32. I guess my sweaters and guitar can stay for now.

33. Ok, now we are off. I feel good.

34. Ok, we are here. Time to check in

35. Time to check out the place.

36. This place is huge.

37. Ummmmm where are my room lights?

38. They don’t exist….

39. I guess we need lamps.

40. Where do I start unpacking?

41. Well, this is a mess.

42. Making progress.

43. Ok, the bed is made.

44. Clothes are put away.

45. The bathroom is set.

46. I need organizers.

47. Thank god Amazon exists.

48. Now to hang the tapestry.

49. Ok, this place looks good. I like it here.


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