22. O Praise The Name (Anastasis) - Live: Hillsong Worship | The Odyssey Online
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50 Christian Songs That You Need To Add To Your Playlist Right Now

Praise the Lord!

50 Christian Songs That You Need To Add To Your Playlist Right Now

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Ever since I went to my first mission trip I have been obsessed with listening to Christian/worship songs on a daily basis. Personally, they can make my day so much better and can fill my heart with so much love. However, it was only recently that I really started to listen to it more often. With college being so stressful I really treasure when I can take a moment out of my day, to listen to a couple songs on my playlist. With faith being so prominent in my life it is always such a great reminder that God is right there with me, even when it doesn't feel like it sometimes.

Below are some of my favorite songs that I have LOVED over the past four years!

1. Set a Fire - Will Reagan

2. Since Your Love (Live) [feat. Brandon Hampton] - United Pursuit

3. Good Good Father - Chris Tomlin

4. Oceans (Where Feet May Fail) - Hillsong United

5. Lord, I Need You - Matt Maher

6. 10,000 Reasons (Bless The Lord) [Radio Version] - Matt Redman 

7. All The Poor and Powerless - All Sons and Daughters 

8. All Who Are Thirsty - Kutless

9. Amazing Grace (My Chains Are Gone) - Chris Tomlin

10. Christ Is Risen - Matt Maher 

11. Cornerstone - Hillsong Worship

12. Here I am To Worship - Hillsong Worship

13. Holy Spirit - Francesca Battistelli 

14. How Deep The Fathers Love (feat. Heather Evans) - Joshua Miller  

15. How Great Thou Art - Chris Rice 

16. In Christ Alone - Anthem Lights 

17. Hallelujah (Your Love Is Amazing) - Brenton Brown 

18. Light The Fire - The ZOE Group 

19. Our God - Chris Tomlin

20. Take My Life - Live: Passion, Chris Tomlin

21. Tremble (Studio Version) - Mosaic MSC

22. O Praise The Name (Anastasis) - Live: Hillsong Worship

23. I Ran out of That Grave - BeDoTell

24. Who You Say I Am - Studio Version: Hillsong Worship

25. Your Love Awakens Me - Phil Wickman 

26. Resurrecting (Live) - Elevation Worship

27. You Say - Laren Daigle 

28. Still Rolling Stones - Laren Daigle 

29. What A Beautiful Name - Hillsong Worship 

30. Speak - Bethany Music 

This is produced by my church here in Baton Rouge!!!

31. Loud (Live) - Bethany Music 

32. Heaven Open - Bethany Music 

33. Defender (Live) - UPPERROOM 

34. Ever Be (Live) - Bethel Music 

35. Peace Be Still (feat. Laren Daigle) - The Belonging Co

36. Nothing Else - Cody Carnes

37. Shadows - Live: Passion

38. Simplicity - Rend Collective 

39. Look Up Child - Laren Daigle 

40. Build My Life - Housefires 

41. Revelation Song - Christ For The Nations Music 

42. Forever Reign - Live: Hillsong Worship 

43. Desert Song - Live in Australia/2009: Hillsong UNITED 

44. This I Believe (The Creed) - Live: Hillsong Worship 

45. Blessed Be Your Name - Shane & Shane 

46. This Is Amazing Grace - Phil Wickman 

47. Beautiful One - Klaus 

48. Whole Heart (Hold Me Now) - Live: Hillsong UNITED 

49.Till I Found You - Phil Wickman 

50. Even Then - Micah Tyler 

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