5 Hardcore Punk Songs To Celebrate The Month Of June
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5 Hardcore Punk Songs To Celebrate The Month Of June

Who knew that hardcore punk and summer could mix with each other?

5 Hardcore Punk Songs To Celebrate The Month Of June

June is an amazing time of the year. School ends for the year in this month, and students can have a chance to relax and indulge in their hobbies. June is a month of sunny days and going to the beach, and you can hang out with friends while having delicious ice cream. You can also have a summer job during this month, placing some extra cash and productivity into your life. You can enjoy the nice weather and swimming at the pool during the month of June, and another great way to celebrating it is to check out some awesome hardcore punk.

1. Dead Kennedys - "Government Flu"

This track from the Dead Kennedys' "Plastic Surgery Disasters" is a great way of injecting some politically-charged energy into June. Full of mocking lyrics that criticize medicinal policies, "Government Flu" demonstrates the Dead Kennedys' radical beliefs. The song itself is incredibly powerful, with an overwhelming intensity that grabs you by the gut. "Government Flu" feels like a roller coaster that's gone out of control, and this wild quality can bring some fire into June.

2. Husker Du - "Broken Home Broken Heart"

Husker Du's blistering intensity with this song is shown with this song. Being a stand-out track from the 1984 classic "Zen Arcade", Bob Mould screams with wild abandon as he depicts the effects of a divorce. The guitars are turbulent and extremely abrasive, creating a psychedelic whirlwind that leaves you in a daze. A blistering guitar solo brings the song to an scorching peak, and Husker Du's uncompromising fury can bring some glory into June.

3. Bad Brains - "Sailin' On"

Bad Brains injects some vigor into your brain with this track. Coming from Bad Brains' self-titled debut album from 1982, "Sailin' On" is a no-nonsense track that progresses at a rapid rate. The song is so fast that it's likely to give you a heart attack, and Dr. Know plays the guitar like a wild animal that's been running for hours. Blazing guitars rip through your ears, and the song creates a head rush that brings some fervor into June.

4. NoMeansNo - "It's Catching Up"

NoMeansNo's classic "Wrong" album is defined by this behemoth. Nervous lyrics display the incoming appearance of an unnamed force as the song shows immense technicality. Raucous guitars are played in an intricate fashion, and an aggressive bassline is mixed with exceptional musicianship. NoMeansNo introduces a complex version of punk that mixes speed with elaborate instrumentation, and their furious nature encourages you to make the most out of June.

5. Black Flag - "Gimmie Gimmie Gimmie"

This track is just one of the numerous classics from Black Flag's "Damaged". Pessimistic lyrics present a hopeless view of the world, and muddy guitars are played in a dissonant fashion. The song is frothing with an unbearable amount of rage, and the guitar distortion feels like it's going through the roof. Black Flag's messy, discordant version of hardcore punk will bring passion into June.

Blasting some hardcore punk is a great way of celebrating the month of June. This month is where summer truly begins, and the season is meant to be a fun time for everyone. Summer is a place for adventures and unpredictability, and hardcore punk represents all of the energy that comes with life. It celebrates a faster form of punk, and the intensity that comes with it pushes the style to its limits. Hardcore punk can be breathtaking and incredibly fast, and its energy shows what summer can do to a person. Enjoy this season, while it lasts.

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