12. "Beautiful Day" - U2 | The Odyssey Online
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20 Songs To Add To Your March Playlist To Get You In The Mood For Spring

Smell the flowers and enjoy the lyrics.

20 Songs To Add To Your March Playlist To Get You In The Mood For Spring

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We are two weeks into March, and everyone is trying to enjoy the end of winter and the start of spring coming soon. While Covid-19 has impacted everyone and cancelled favorite activities, the introduction of 3 vaccines available to the public has brought hope to the community. While everyone looks towards brighter days ahead there are so many things to keep ourselves busy during the pandemic. Watching Netflix, having Zoom parties or making Tik Tok videos are fun, but listening to your favorite music is great as well. It can shape our mood, relationships, and workout routines. Here are 20 songs that will get you ready for spring.

1. "Here Comes the Sun" - The Beatles

Fans all around the world have this classic on their top favorite Beatles songs list. The energy, passion, and rhythm of the guitars make it so amazing. This song will warm up even the coldest mid-winter day.

2. "Butterflies" - Kacey Musgraves

Couples will love this song. If you develop a crush on someone, this is the song that fits with the feelings that you might experience. Getting butterflies in your stomach is normal and it's also nice to watch or photograph butterflies with flowers.

3. "Spring Affair" - Donna Summer

Dancing and enjoying each other company is not only reserved for the summer. Even if it's virtually, you can still have parties, discussions, and lasting relationships. Great memories can start in the Spring and last throughout the year.

4. "Up With the Birds" - Coldplay

This song is a unique representation of the sun rising up and inserting bright colors and happiness into a gloomy and miserable day. This song celebrates the spring in the best way. The vocals and instruments is what bring it all together.

5. "Unwritten" - Natasha Bedingfield

The spirt of spring is mirrored beautifully in this song. There are lyrics that describe the sun as a tool for finding your voice. The rhythm and powerful vocals makes it enjoyable. Still holds up well after all these years.

6. "It's Gonna Be Me" - *NSYNC

While this song has nothing to do with spring, it's the lyrics that makes fans connect it with the season. People who listen to the song hear the words differently because Justin Timberlake appears be singing, "It's Gonna Be May" instead of me. The hilarious misheard lyrics have resulted in memes and gifs on April 30th indicating the start of May is coming.

7. "New Perspective" - Panic! At the Disco

This band always has cool songs. This song was part of the soundtrack for the horror/comedy Jennifer's Body. As usual, it has a great beat and awesome vocals from lead singer Brendon Urie.

8. "Salad Days" - Mac DeMarco 

This song is relaxing, which makes it perfect for the spring. It's a great listen for sunny days or weekends. Just has a nice feel to it.

9. "Walking On Sunshine" - Katrina & The Waves 

Here is another typical 'feel good' song, but it's still amazing. This is a great song choice for warm days. Listen to it when you are feeling happy about an accomplishment big or small.

10. "Distraction #74" - The Avett Brothers  

If you want a fun and entraining song to cheer you up during bitter times, then here is a good one. It's got a nice rhythm. This song is good for cloudy days and when you feel sad.

11. "Santeria" - Sublime 

This is a favorite song. The title translates to "Way of the Saints", which is a religion that worships saints. It's impossible to listen to this song and not enjoy the fresh beat and rhythm.

12. "Beautiful Day" - U2

This is one of the classic songs by the Irish rock band. It's has a gentle melody and amazing vocals. Amazing reminder that spring is coming and there will be plenty of days filled with sunshine and love.

13. "Good Day Sunshine" - The Beatles

Here is another classic song by one of the greatest bands in history. This one just screams happiness and emits the joy and liveliness people get when spring arrives. It has a smooth rhythm and melody.

14. "Soak Up the Sun" - Sheryl Crow

This song will take you back to the early 2000s. It has such beautiful vocals and music. You will really get into the spirt of the season.

15. "I Can See Clearly Now" - Jimmy Cliff

This song is a few decades old, but it's still enjoyable and connects with the season. Say hello to the sunny days ahead and say goodbye to dark clouds and the bitter cold. Spring is on the way, and this is the perfect song to welcome it back.

16. "Happy" - Pharrell Williams

This is a song that will certainly put you in a positive mood. The music is well structured while the chorus is fun and uplifting. Everything from the harmony and instruments fit together wonderfully with this one.

17. "Three Little Birds" - Bob Marley and the Wailers

Here is a nice reggae song that brings happiness, confidence, and strength during challenging times. The chorus and instrumentals are both amazing. It will make you feel relaxed and hopeful as you witness the arrival of warm weather, clear skies, and birds.

18. "I Got You (I Feel Good)" - James Brown & The Famous Flames

You will love the beat of this song. Just listen and soon your problems will be temporary forgotten as you head into spring. It's great dance music as well.

19. "Uptown Funk" - Mark Ronson ft. Bruno Mars

This is a song that never gets old. It will always put you in a great mood. If you need awesome music for Zoom parties and celebrations this spring, this is a good choice.

20. "Can't Stop the Feeling" - Justin Timberlake

If you need dance music, here is one of the best ones. This song will make you smile and feel all kinds of positive emotions. Get up and dance around your house or backyard when the flowers and birds return.

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