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15 Things Around Harrisonburg, VA That Will Make Your Maymester Classes Worth The Stay

Check some things off your bucket list this Maymester.

15 Things Around Harrisonburg, VA That Will Make Your Maymester Classes Worth The Stay
Lindsey McEvoy

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While Maymester can seem dreadful after finishing a long and exhausting semester, it's also the perfect time to try some new things around Harrisonburg that you weren't able to get to during the year with a busy schedule.

Here are 15 things to do around Harrisonburg if you stayed for Maymester.

Go to a vineyard/winery


There are so many local vineyards and wineries around Harrisonburg that are definitely worth trying, especially when the weather is warm and you can sit outside and enjoy the beautiful views of the open land.

Try a new restaurant downtown

Been dying to try that restaurant everyone's been talking about but didn't have time during the school year? Now's your perfect chance when places aren't overcrowded with college students.

Visit the lavender farm

Relax and explore the beautiful lavender gardens around the farm.

Go for a hike

Lindsey McEvoy

There are a variety of hiking trails located in the Shenandoah Valley, ranging in length and difficulty. Try a new trail or even take a sunrise hike at Reddish Knob.

Take a trip to Blue Hole

Ever been to a swimming hole? Blue Hole is one of the deepest swimming holes in the area and an experience you don't want to miss out on.

Take advantage of a quiet UREC

Ever experienced UREC when you're not waiting for a spot with your parking hazards on or there aren't thousands of people all trying to work out at the same time as you? It's a whole new feeling.

Enjoy live music at a variety of venues downtown

Harrisonburg is home to tons of live music events at a variety of venues around the area.

Actually get to sit on the quad and relax

Lindsey McEvoy

The end of the school year when the weather warms up gets really crazy and you may not have time to enjoy some relaxation on the quad so now's the perfect time.

Go to an outdoor evening movie at Bold Rock

Bold Rock has a whole schedule of movies playing throughout the summer. Enjoy some cider and relax under the stars.

Inner tubing down the river

Float and relax on the river right down from Port Republic.

Attend the farmer’s market

Looking for some fresh veggies or home-baked goods? This is the perfect place to get local goodies.

Catch some rays at the pool

Most of the apartment complexes have pools if you're looking to relax in the sun and work on that tan.

Go to an Escape Room

Looking to put your brain to work? Check out one of many escape rooms in the Harrisonburg area.

Go on a bar crawl around Downtown Harrisonburg

There's tons of bars and breweries downtown that are worth checking out.

Catch up on all your Netflix/Hulu shows

You finally have some time to yourself to catch up on all of those shows you've been waiting to watch.

These are just a few of the hundreds of things to do around Harrisonburg this May!

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