8. Climb Tarnet tower. | The Odyssey Online
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13 Things I Want To Do While Studying Abroad in Denmark

I'm coming for you Copenhagen!

13 Things I Want To Do While Studying Abroad in Denmark

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In just a few short weeks, I will be going on my first trip...by myself. I have a lot of mixed emotions with this. For one, I'm a little scared to be travelling abroad without knowing what the city will be like (and also not knowing a single soul), but I'm also very excited to embark on this new adventure that will definitely get me out of my comfort zone. Since this is a once in a lifetime opportunity, I want to make the best of this trip and live life to the fullest while I'm there. Here are some things I have on my bucket list to make this goal of mine come true:

1. View the city by bike. 

Biking is the main form of transportation in the city, so what better way to explore than the way of a local?

2. Visit all the different districts. 

From Christianshavn (canals and gabled houses) to Vesterbro (trendy bars and stores), I want to see it all!

3. Eat at one VERY nice restaurant. 

Copenhagen is known for its food and world-renowned chefs, so I want to be able to experience it. (But only once because it will be super expensive!)

4. Visit a museum or famous landmark to learn all about Danish culture. 

I know this sounds pretty boring at first glance, but having the chance to visit Rosenborg castle, Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek, or Christianborg Palace ruins sounds like an opportunity I don't want to miss!

5. Spend one night out at a local bar or club. 

Staying out late at night is very popular among locals in the city, and I know this is something I'm not going to want to do every night, but I think it would be fun to explore the city when everyone is awake!

6. Shop at Nørrebro Flea Market. 

Because I love to shop.. and flea markets are so fun!

7. Eat street food. 

From hotdogs to sausages to sandwiches, I think I'll be eating pretty good while I'm there.

8. Climb Tarnet tower. 

Not only is this free, but it's a great way to see a birds-eye view of the city.

9. Visit Tivoli Gardens. 

This is the second oldest amusement park in the world, and would be so much fun to see in the afternoon.

10. Have a conversation with a local. 

I love to meet new people, and since the Danish are considered to be the friendliest people in the world, there's really nothing to lose.

11. Jump on a street trampoline. 

No explanation necessary.

12. Eat a churro. 

These are so famous in the city, and since I love churros, why not?

13. Try a new-to-me alcoholic drink. 

Since the legal drinking age is 18, it will be a lot of fun to try a new drink every once in a while.

Even though I'm very nervous about the whole "school" part of the study abroad (and making friends), I'm excited about everything the city has to offer! I hope these next three weeks before I leave FLY by!!

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