12 Quotes from Poems Porn Social Media
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12 Quotes from Poems Porn Social Media

Here are twelve amazing quotes that will inspire you, relate to you, or simply speak out to your soul.

12 Quotes from Poems Porn Social Media
Jade Simon

I follow Poems Porn on all social media, and I have for about two or three years now. They constantly update their Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram with thoughtful quotes and poems. I love reading through them occasionally, never really knowing where I want to stop. I keep many quotes from their social media platforms buried in my mind and my heart. I love reading what they share, and I always will. I hope you enjoy these as much as I do, and maybe even relate to how I feel about each of these.

1. "Falling for him wasn't falling at all. It was walking into a house and suddenly knowing you're home." - r.i.d

There comes a time where you find someone who just clicks. You never knew you were searching for them, because you weren't. Now that they've suddenly appeared, everything makes sense. You're happier and you're able to breathe more lightly. Everything is clearer, and it's the most amazing feeling. That is the feeling I get with him.

2. "When you have him, don't make him your everything. Don't make him the stars in your dark sky, don't make him the air your breathe, don't make him out to be the only reason for your smile. Because if he leaves, you'll be left with nothing. Your sky will be dark, you'll suffocate, and the only one who can put a smile on your face has taken it and walked away." - E.G

There's a lot of relationship advice that's been given out in the years I've been alive. However, this speaks out to me more than anything else ever did. I've made the mistake that this exact quote talks about. I made a boy my everything - I let myself make someone accountable for my happiness. It crushed my soul, and I couldn't find happiness for half a year. This is the best piece of relationship advice I could give to anyone. Replace the pronouns with your own; It still works.

3. "She's art. you don't have to understand her. she wasn't built to validate your opinion. accept her for the beautiful ambiguity that she is." - iambrillyant

Women are beautiful, inside and out. We are very intelligent, and we can do anything as well as a man can. Sometimes others don't seem to realize our strength, and this quote plays into that. You may not be able to understand the beauty of a woman's mind, but that's not wrong. It's okay to not be able to understand a woman, or every bit and piece of her. We are not born to understand each other, we are born to love and accept.

4. "But before I go, remember one thing, promise me one thing: be brave when you're afraid." - wordsbyjm

Reading this, I feel as if it can come from someone who is speaking to another that looks up to them. Maybe they're dying, or maybe they're just talking about before they die in general. They want to see this person push through their struggles in life and prove that they are strong. It's hard to be brave in certain circumstances. It's not easy, and they want to see the other person succeed at this.

5. "If you can't see my potential right now... then I can't see you later." - Akil Victor

This is one of my favorite quotes. It's the truth. I've gone through so many things in my life, and too many people looking down on me. I've proven myself to numerous people, and I'm still surprising people to this day over what I am capable of accomplishing for myself. If you cannot see what I have to offer, and what I could be able to do one day, you should not be able to see me achieve it.

6. "I cannot make anyone understand what is happening inside me." - Franz Kafka

I've battled with depression and anxiety for years, and it's honestly the hardest thing to deal with in my life. It's far from easy, especially to have both to work with. I've spent years trying to find someone who can understand. There are still questions that are unanswered about my depression and anxiety from others. I relate to this quote with ever fiber in my body.

7. "I fall in love too much. Too easily. Just like that. The boy on the subway, flipping fingers through a copy of some Shakespeare drama or the one in tight khaki pants who covers my coffee the day I leave my wallet at home. The tallest guy in the office who talks about sports in the break room as I nod along. I fall in love with what they might be. Could be. The kind that slips his hand into my back pocket or calls me by my last name. Who's stricken every time I walk into the room. Astonished. I fall in love like this. With strangers and possibilities. With abandon, stupidity. With hope. I fall in love too much. Too easily. But maybe you do, too. Maybe we all do." -yourhandwrittenletter

Even though we may not like to admit it, we observe the people around us. Even if we're walking on the street, sitting on our porch, or maybe even at the beach with friends. We are observing our surroundings, which just so happens to include people. I believe that we admire the small things in some of the people we see. We may not know them, but we admire those things about them. Or, maybe we do know them, too. We still admire little qualities very easily.

8. "It is very sad to me that some people are so intent on leaving their mark on the world that they don't care if that mark is a scar." - John Green

When people think about making their mark, a lot of people jump to the conclusion of being famous. They want people to know about them, but not just anyone - the world. They want to be widely known, which can be good. However, no one ever cares if their town knows their name, or maybe even your entire high school. The local diner - the staff - they know you, and exactly what you want. They know what you do to make the world a brighter place. You're impacting people around you, yet you don't care. You want more, but you don't need more. Sure, it's great getting out there, but why can't you be happy with your town knowing who you are, and what you do? It's amazing. Everyone makes their mark, whether they become famous or small town talk.

9. "At some point, being angry is just another bad habit, like smoking, and you keep poisoning yourself without thinking about it." - Jonathan Tropper

Stress is one of the easiest emotions to have, and a lot of the time we don't even know why we are angry about the things we are. It's unhealthy, and eventually affects things around us. It can affect our friendships, relationships, and even our familial relationships. It's nice to have some time to release our stress, and it's very easy to put some time aside for yourself.

10. "I think she's special. She doesn't need anyone. Like that's the thing. Even if we were together, she wouldn't really belong to me. She doesn't belong to anything. She's off in her own world..." - Childish Gambino

This quote shows that he believes the woman he's speaking about is independent. He sees her and sees how she carries herself - with confidence. I believe this is a quote every woman should enjoy and incorporate in her life. Confidence is key to a lot of things, and being able to carry yourself with confidence is amazing. Being an independent woman isn't easy, but it is hard to come out of.

11. "It is said that between two people there is always someone who loves more and most of times it is the same person who notice the end before it comes. It feels suicidal to go beyond reason and still hope that it might get better, that the love may stay, that it has to be a way to fix everything. Yet the heart still breaks, the heart still beats, the heart still cracks but it still beats. What an ironic way of living in and out of mind, of love, of heart. How can we love more, give more lose more and be our own hero when our heart doesn't belong to us anymore? How can we be the one who see the end when forever is all we hope?" - a.h - k.m

Relationships are very hard, and unhealthy relationships are even worse. Personally, this spoke out to me. I was in an unhealthy relationship myself, and this related to me in so many ways. In many of the relationships I've been in, I've always believed that I was the person to love more. I've been cheated on, I've been emotionally abused, and even physically. It's never easy, and it hurts too much to even comprehend at the times that it was happening. Throughout everything, I still put my hope into my thoughts. I hoped that things would get better, that I would make things alright. Maybe he'll stop using his words to hurt me. Maybe he won't hurt me anymore. Maybe we'll make it, and things will finally be okay again. My heart and my mind fought back and forth. I didn't know right from wrong, but now I do.

12. "The thing about her, is that she was happy alone. Everyone around her was looking for a connection and something to grasp onto, but she was happy being free. She was happy being unchained, happy with no pressure of connections and love. All the love she needed was within herself, and everybody else was just a distraction from everything she was trying to achieve. She understood herself more than anyone else understood her, and that was the most beautiful thing about her." - iambrillyant

After I got out of my longest, and most unhealthy relationship, I related to this. It took some time, but I finally was able to realize I didn't need someone by my side to be happy. I wasn't looking for anyone to make me happy, to give me affection, or even be there for me. I had my friends and family, but most importantly, I had myself. I learned that independence can truly be a healthy thing to have in your life. I wasn't looking for love, but eventually I stumbled upon it and I'm still as happy as I was then. I don't depend on anyone to make me happy anymore, although that doesn't stop me from being happy with my boyfriend. I finally am able to love myself, and I'm my own best friend. At the end of the line, you're only going to have yourself. People leave, people die, and most of all people lie. Things get ruined, but you will always have yourself to fall back on. That was one of the most important lessons I've learned throughout my life.

I hope you enjoy these twelve quotes! I know I do. There are plenty more where these come from - trust me. Thank you for taking the time to open this article and indulge yourself in these quotes. I hope you see a few that reach out to you or some that may inspire you.

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