10 Things We Hate About Chicago | The Odyssey Online
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10 Things We Hate About Chicago

This city exemplifies the best and worst of this nation.

10 Things We Hate About Chicago

It’s time to leave “Sweet Home Chicago”. This city, that at times, exemplifies the best of this nation and also the worst. In this current mayoral administration, we have seen that what used to be a city of good union jobs, decent schools and a place where one could settle down and raise a family regardless of race; turn into a city of gentrification and faux-liberalism.

1. The murder of LaQuan McDonald

I come from a family of police officers. Every night on the job can be your last and that is stressful for both officers and the family. Stress still isn’t an excuse for 16 shots in the back and a mayor’s office complicit in a cover up. As more stories of police abuse under Daley Jr. and Emmanuel come to light, we’ll see how far this government has gone to keep minorities disenfranchised.

2. School Funding

Part of this problem comes from Springfield. Other parts is the budget for schools like Whitney Young is far different than Dunbar. The ethnic makeup of these schools is considerably different, but since when did this become a deciding factor in the tools students get to succeed.

We see schools close at a far faster rate in black and brown communities than we do in white communities. Instead of correcting and keeping these neighborhood schools open, closures and shifting more funding to the white neighborhood schools is the only solution the Mayor’s office seems to approve

3. Corruption

On any given day in Chicago, it’s possible to feel like your in a movie. Not because of landmarks and beautiful scenery. No, the reason is that on any given day an elected official can be arrested on a slew of charges. Ed Burke’s manipulation seems to get him out of handcuffs for a few decades.

The past two mayors have covered up murders. And city contracts are mired in contractual language that only seems to screw the taxpayers for 99 years (Yes, I’m looking at you parking meter contract.) Corruption isn’t new here but it is a new age of transparency

4. Real Estate Prices

Finding the perfect place in Chicago is an impossible task. A number of factors can go into deciding rent and home prices. Location to services and neighborhood safety are two common factors in Chicago.

5. Weather

I know, the laws or Mother Nature are beyond my control. But as global warming creates more extreme weather events. These polar vortices will become an average winter temperature and in the summers more extreme temperatures will persist. Until this city can curb its emissions and lead the nation’s cities in renewable energy, there is no reason to contribute to the problem anymore

6. Faux Liberalism

Long has this city embraced LGBTQ rights or been a forefront in civil rights. The trend seems to be in the “Age of Trump”, of being a single issue idealist. Those living in all 77 neighborhoods need to realize that the more voices you have, the louder the movement is. But only marching at a civil rights or women’s rights serves neither cause properly.

7. Economic Priorities

How many times can Wrigleyville get an upgrade? At this point, everything East of Ashland and North of 35th Street look like The Jetsons compared to parts of the south and west side. Proper streets, lighting, and basic investment to bring businesses like grocery stores to impoverished areas should be the first priority to create an equal base for all residents.

8. TIF Funds

You pay property taxes and those are supposed to be spent on government services. Instead, the City of Chicago in its infinite wisdom uses TIF funds for projects in certain zones. When looking at the map of the projects that have used this money, a “shocking” amount is located very close to the lake on projects like Navy Pier or other privately owned ventures. Adding another layer to the red tape is already too frustrating in a city covered in it.

9. Rahm Emanuel

“You’re a crook, Captain Hook” should play every moment this man walks into a room. His policies openly favor whiter neighborhoods. He reclassified crime stats like murders into nonmurders, covered them up, and always has an excuse for every shady coincidence or potential scandal that lays upon his feet. His time to leave office has come but it is up to the citizens to put him out

10. Gentrification

The forever lasting plague of a metropolis. Price out the poor residents to create a neighborhood that lacks diversity. Since the Great Migration, black and brown residents have lived in the same neighborhoods. They pass down homes from generation to generation.

With sudden investment in Jackson Park and South Shore, the homes of middle class residents will soon be swept up. HIstoric aspects and culture will be lost for the ages. Local business will become Starbucks, Whole Foods and a Lululemon. What was once “red lining”, is now just as simple as raising the rent and knocking down homes.

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