Italian-Americans And Tomato Jarring?
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Italian-Americans And Tomato Jarring?

Every tradition is delicious in its own way

Mangia Bene, Ridi Spesso, Ama Molto

This is a collaboration between Barbara Marcella Z. and Mario Castelli

1. It’s In The Roots

Basile e Pomodori

A Closer Look At Our Ingredients

Barbara Marcella Z.

It's a beautiful tradition dating back to the mid-1800's that has become part of the Italian heritage. Being raised with this culture has not only taught us lessons of those before us but also of hard work and pride that goes into making something; something that can be taken with you into life.

2. Go Mediterranean!

Go Mediterranean Or Go Home!

Mediterranean, Nothing Better!

Photo by Calum Lewis on Unsplash

Italians cook many of their dishes using tomatoes, especially non-coastal regions. Thus, fresh tomato sauce is regularly needed on hand. Italians and other Mediterranean nations prefer to eat a diet rich in vegetables and healthy fat, with moderate protein; a lifestyle thought and proven to reduce odd of heart-attacks and other cardiovascular issues; as well as being a real staple.

3. Repetition, Repetition, Repetition

Even Fruit Need To Sleep

They Just Woke Up

Mario Castelli

The process starts by laying them out covered in blankets to keep warm and fully own up to their potential. The tedious parts are the washing; which isn't once and done, cutting and squeezing out excess water is next. Cooking occurs twice; the cut tomatoes prior to passing and after, which leads to jarring; with the satisfying "click" of heat-sealed tops. Moreover, the jars (depending on how many you make) can last you an entire year.

4. Nothing Sweeter Than Italian Tradition!

Cooking Time!

Cooking Away!

Mario Castelli

Tomato sauce that is sold in stores more often times than not is a thick mess of Tomato guts; tasting bitter, and ultimately no natural flavor--plenty of salt and sugar if it's any consolation. Though, the event is bittersweet; "homemade" beats the rest every time!

5. The Story Behind The Tomato

Gotta Wash Those Tomatoes!

Just A Quick Washing

Barbara Marcella Z.

Storytelling. Nothing better than old stories, while cutting, squishing, cooking and filling. The process is part of the magic and makes time melt by; the stories make it an unforgettable experience.

6. Nourishment For Mind, Body, And Soul

Let's Make Some Sauce!

You Need To Pass This Again!

Photo by Paolo Mandica on Unsplash

Tomatoes are in fact a fruit. In which case possesses essential nutrients for your body; containing Vitamins A, C, and K. A cup of tomato sauce also contains up to 6 grams of fiber. What is better than an amazing taste and doing your body some good?

7. There’s More Than Meets The Eye

Pasta Fatta In Casa

Doesn't That Look Good?

Photo by Paolo Mandica on Unsplash

There are so many different varieties of dishes that made with the sauce you prepared for the year. A plate of pasta is one of the mundane and well known, but also pizza, soups, rice, etc. You can get as creative as you'd like!

8. A Legacy to be passed on

Venezia And Her Ancient Beauty!

Ancient Beauty!

Photo by Jack Ward on Unsplash

There are countless things that contribute to the Italian culture, the tomato jarring tradition is merely one that truly embodies the food of Italy. Italians love to use tomato in countless dishes; it'is surely a legacy to be passed onto future generations. Aside from great food, the process is a great metaphor for how it is to hustle, working every muscle in this puzzle we call America. Great life skills!

9. Let’s Get Saucey

You Cannot Pass This Up!

The Passing Process

Mario Castelli

As mentioned above, once the tomatoes have been cut and cooked, passing the tomatoes is the next step before its final cooking where it's mixed with a bit of salt and basil until jarring. "The tomato sauce" that is now in each heat-sealed jar sit ready for countless ideas and recipes. Remember, when you're not sure what to cook, grab leftover tomato sauce and add it to any recipe. Guaranteed to be delicious!

10. Organically Fresh!

Jarred Tomato Sauce

Jarred to perfection

Barbara Marcella Z.

There are so many things to think about when food shopping today. Are there Pesticides where the food is grown? Additional hormones? Chemicals and preservatives? When you jar your own tomatoes, you see what is added. No harmful ingredients, just hearty, organic red tomatoes and a few fresh herbs.

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