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10 Binge-Worthy Netflix Series To Beat the Heat

When you could just use some time inside...

10 Binge-Worthy Netflix Series To Beat the Heat
Carson Armstrong

It may only be the beginning of summer, but the temperatures are quickly rising. While I love spending time outdoors and soaking up the sun, I also need a break from the humidity and the sweat.

When you need a few hours inside, here are some Netflix series that will keep you company in front of the air conditioning.

1. You

A thrilling story interwoven with literary references and kidnappings, "You" is bound to be a show you can't stop watching. I would know, I watched all ten episodes in less than four days.

2. Sex Education

This show is a little controversial in nature because of the topics it deals with. However, it represents real problems that teenagers have pertaining to sex and society. A show that deals with sex education? ACCURATELY? A no-brainer.

3. Parenthood

This series is a little longer but well worth the watch. It portrays a large family and each of the modern problems they face. It is very heart warming and emotional. I'm forewarning you, tissues need to be present towards the end.

4. Jane the Virgin

One of my personal favorites, this show sounds like it should be frilly and full of girly drama. "Jane the Virgin", however, includes multiple murders, drug rings, amnesia, accidental pregnancies, and love triangles, like any good drama should. It is a modern, American take on a telenovela and is seriously worth watching.

5. Dead To Me

I am not quite finished with this one yet but it is full of suspense. A humorous yet thrilling plot with emphasis on romance, murder, and friendships, it's bound to leave you wanting more.

6. Santa Clarita Diet

A modern tale of zombies and how they come to be, "Santa Clarita Diet" explores how being a zombie affects your personal life, including your family, your job, and even your free time activities. It is light-hearted and humorous while also maintaining the horror aspect that you'd expect from a show in the zombie genre.

7. Grace and Frankie.

This show explores family dynamics and friendships after divorce. It is very humorous and relatable.

8. Master of None

This show is little memories written by Aziz Ansari about his life. It is lighthearted and humorous while also addressing modern problems. Aziz Ansari truly hit it out of the park with this series.

9. Dear White People

I have been waiting for a new season of this show for what seems like forever. It is extremely humorous and explores problems that minority students have on campus and in society in general. It is a well structured critique piece.

10. Black Mirror

While I am aware that this is an extremely popular series, there will be new episodes released shortly! While you wait you can either catch up on or rewatch the series that literally will have you thinking about society and the critiques that the show is trying to pose.

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