How You Can Help California Fire Victims
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How You Can Help California Fire Victims

As of November 12th, 31 people have died in the California wildfires. We can prevent that number from getting any higher.

How You Can Help California Fire Victims

As the death toll continues to rise and defunding threats from Trump continue to surface, the state of California needs all the help they can get in conquering these wildfires. Here is a list of organizations that you can contribute to help the victims.

California Community Foundation

The California Community Foundation has a Wildfire Relief Fund. They have raised $5 million to support recovery and relief for communities affected by California wildfires since 2003. The money raised supports those who lost their houses, belongings, employment, those who suffered physical and mental health problems, and helps to rebuild homes and provides mental health services and financial assistance to victims.

Caring Choices

Caring Choices was established in 1993 and donates all of their time, resources, and efforts to helping the citizens of Northern California. The organization was created in response to the HIV epidemic that affected California in the 90s, but they have since expanded their outreach to address many different things that affect California communities. To help with the California wildfires, Caring Choices has started recruiting volunteers and monetary donations for relief and recovery efforts.

North Valley Community Foundation

The North Valley Community Foundation has a Camp Fire Evacuation Relief Fund. The website states that the fund's purpose is "to raise money to support the operations of organizations that are sheltering evacuees of the Camp Fire."


Airbnb is encouraging homeowners in safe areas near the affected parts of California to consider opening their homes to victims who have been displaced by the fires.

Enloe Medical Center

Enloe is located in Chico, CA, where many evacuation centers are being held for wildfire victims. They are accepting donations on their website and encouraging people to text "CampFireRelief" to 91999 to specifically support those affected by the Camp Fire in Butte County, CA. Their website says that the funds will be used to help "patients, families, and caregivers who have lost their homes or been displaced due to the fire."

Los Angeles Fire Department

The LAFD is raising money to support the first responders that are fighting the fires in CA. The donations collected will be used to provide hydration backpacks for the firefighters.

United Way of Greater Los Angeles

United Way of Greater Los Angeles is joining United Way of Ventura County to collect donations for their Disaster Relief Fund. Their website states that they are assisting low-income communities and working individuals that will need to "re-establish their lives" after the fires. There are a few donation options: donating to the conjoined efforts of the two United Way organizations on their website, texting UWVC to 41444, or visiting to donate directly to only Ventura County.

The Humane Society of Ventura County

The Humane Society of Ventura County is accepting evacuated animals from the fires. You can also donate to their efforts or purchase items from their Amazon wishlist.

Entertainment Industry Foundation

The EIF is collecting donations through its Fire Relief Fund, which supports firefighters and first responders in California. They note on their website that $275 funds one hydration pack for a firefighter.

Direct Relief

On their website, Direct Relief states that, with any donations they receive, they are providing "N-95 masks, medicine, and other resources to healthcare agencies and first responders in wildfire-affected communities across California."

Salvation Army

The Salvation Army, among other things, is providing meals to wildfire victims in local shelters across California. Their website states that "100% of your gift will be used in support of our relief efforts. It may be used to provide food and drinks to survivors, cleaning supplies and other essential commodities, direct financial aid to those affected, or to support relief workers serving the area."


Baby2Baby took to Instagram to share their relief efforts. One photo of the wildfires is captioned "Baby2Baby is working to get high-need items to children affected by the ongoing Camp Fire, Hill Fire, and Woolsey Fire in California. Help us put diapers, wipes, blankets and other basic essentials into the hands of these families who have lost everything by purchasing from our registry."

CNN Impact Your World

CNN Impact Your World has created a page to collect donations that will support seven different organizations that support wildfire victims: Community Foundation Sonoma County, Convoy Of Hope, Direct Relief, Operation BBQ Relief, Salvation Army National Corp, United Way Of The Bay Area, and United Way Of The Wine County.

California Volunteers

California Volunteers has organized both volunteer and donation options on their website for Butte and Ventura counties to help with "emergency management, evacuation and mutual aid needs."

California Fire Foundation

California Fire Foundation has started the Supplying Aid to Victims of Emergency (SAVE) program. Their website says that they provide "emergency short-term financial assistance to fire and natural disaster victims in California."


Last, but not least, both Google and GoFundMe have started campaigns to help those affected by the wildfires.

There are many different ways to donate your time and money to victims of the California wildfires. As a country, we must do as much as we can to support each other in times of need and disaster.

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