People in society today are really unaware of what they are actually putting on their face. Did you know your skin is your largest organ, but it tends to be the organ we forget the most? When you use chemicals on your skin, you are not treating your organ with the care it deserves. I have been using all-natural products for about six years now, and I will never switch back to my old ways. I noticed that once I started using all-natural products, my face was not as red and I had fewer breakouts. I also used to get headaches whenever I used products that had such strong fragrances. All-natural products may seem pricey at first, but you actually use less of the natural products so they last longer. The chemicals in the other products are less effective than organic ingredients so you use more in the long run. Organic products leave your skin feeling soft and healthy, while non-organic products can leave your skin feeling like it is coated with a film. Don't be fooled by makeup either. Makeup still matters, which means all those name brands maybe aren't the hype you thought they were. Makeup secretly has many chemicals in them that will leave you speechless. Examples could be artificial colors, lead, and nanoparticles. These can leave skin feeling irritated and even can age your face quicker. All-natural products are proven to be better for your skin and will leave your face feeling young and beautiful.
Student LifeOct 23, 2020
Why use Natural and Organic Products?
Society needs to convert to all-natural and organic products.