15. She will love you unconditionally | The Odyssey Online
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16 Things To Expect When You Date A Catholic Woman

She may be a little naughty.

16 Things To Expect When You Date A Catholic Woman

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So you've met an amazing young woman and she's let you know something very important to her, she's Catholic. Now you may be conflicted about what to do, especially if you're not of the same faith or if you don't really have a faith at all. Well let me tell you, not to be scared,

Catholic women are kind, funloving, and overall tend to enjoy life. Depending on the woman or her intensity, don't worry about her forcing her religion upon you. It's a stereotype.

Here is a list of things that you may experience if you decide to pursue this Catholic woman.

1. Church before dates

She may ask you to come to mass with her on a Saturday or Sunday before hanging out. Don't be afraid of this. Even if you are not Catholic, you can still go just to be with her. Nobody is going to be judging you, and if they do, she will 100% stand up for you.

So relax, and appreciate that she loves you so much that she wants to share one of the most important things to her with you. She will appreciate you so much more if you respect her religion and are willing to go to mass just to be with her.

2. She respects her body

And you should too! Not all Catholic women believe in saving themselves for marriage, but a lot do. However, they do respect their bodies and will set boundaries which you should of course follow.

If you can't respect her boundaries or her choice of saving herself then you should not be dating a Catholic woman.

3. Her family and friends mean the world to her

If you don't like her friends or family, the chances of her breaking up with you are very high. So, as every good boyfriend should do, ALWAYS respect her family and, even if you don't get along with them, her friends.

Don't ask her to stop hanging out with them. She'll also appreciate it if you would hang out with her and them on occasion, so buck it up and have a good time.

4. She is loyal to a fault

A Catholic woman is usually in it for the long run. She is looking to grow in every relationship and she's looking for someone to grow with. The chances of her cheating on you are very low, just as low as the chances of her giving you a second chance if you cheat on her.

Yes, the Catholic church teaches forgiveness. She may, just maybe forgive you, but there's no chance that she'll take you back.

5. She will be praying for you and encouraging you to pray

Most Catholic women today will not force their religion upon you. They'll respect your beliefs if you respect theirs. However, don't be shocked if she suggests praying about something or says that she'll pray about it for you.

She has your best intentions in mind so do not blow up about it or get into a 3-hour debate about God not existing. It's just a comment we make.

6. Divorce scares her

It's something most Catholic women are afraid of. They're looking for their soul mate because they believe in soul mates. It's also very tricky in her eyes, because traditionally unless the marriage is annulled she can't date or remarry again. It all depends on the girl and her belief.

So, if you're not 100% serious about a long-lasting marriage it may be something to talk about.

7. She may want a big family

It's a very popular stereotype that all Catholics have large families. My parents only have my two sisters and me, which is usually the number of kids a Catholic woman wants.

However, some girls do want a large family, not even just Catholic women. So, once again, it may be something that you want to talk about. If you don't want kids, she may not be the girl for you.

8. She loves to talk about the future

As I've mentioned, its always best to talk. She may ask you questions like: How many kids do you want? What are your feelings about me working? Would you ever consider becoming Catholic?

Don't let her questions scare you! They may be some pretty big ones, but just answer honestly and be open minded.

And a side note, the Catholic religion teaches that any children that come from the marriage should be raised in the Catholic faith. Do not freak if she asks for your feelings about that, and once again be open-minded, her faith means the world to her.

9. She'll always love God above all things

Don't be jealous. She's not going to cheat on you with God. But her relationship with God is everything to her. She loves Him above even her family, know that and respect that.

10. She may tell you all about her favorite saints

Mine is St. Joan d'Arc and I LOVE to tell her story and brag about her being my confirmation saint. We grew up with these stories. They're like our fairy tales, so just listen and don't complain.

11. She may be a little naughty

Catholic women have grown up with a lot of rights and wrongs. Who likes being told what to do? Because of this, Catholic women can tend to push the limits of what they believe is right and wrong.

Don't be surprised if she wants to be mischievous or try something new. Once again, just respect her boundaries. No means no.

12. Holidays are really important to her

Christmas is exciting for her not only because she gets to give presents to everyone she loves but also because it's when Jesus was born to SAVE THE WORLD!!

Easter season is important to her because its when Jesus SAVED THE WORLD and showed all his awesome powers!

Feast days are to be respected and you'll find her at mass.

13. Her favorite TV shows may be all on TV Land

Personally, I also like "Doctor Who," "Supernatural," "Sherlock," "Stranger Things," "Game of Thrones" etc. But you will also catch me re-watching "I Love Lucy," "I Dream of Jeanie," and these other 13 shows.

14. Her dream vacation is somewhere in Europe

Soooo many gorgeous cathedrals and religious destinations and relics. Rome is definitely one of the cities on her bucket list.

15. She will love you unconditionally

If you have the opportunity to love and be loved by a strong Catholic woman, there will be no greater love you can find. All her life she's dreamed of passing on the unconditional love God has for her to someone else.

Don't mistreat her, and don't use her, because she will love you with her whole heart, but if you do, you will not like her angry... because...

16. She is fierce

And she can kick your arse.

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2. You can be obnoxiously flirtatious with anyone you want. You are free to be that girl that flirts with everybody and makes 'em all smile (it's especially fun when the guy is as cute as Collin Jost). No shame.

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5. The toilet seat will remain down.

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10. You don't have to fluff anyone's ego but your own.

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15. There is more time to be spent with your girlfriends.

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