About a year ago, my newsfeeds were flooded with articles and posts about bullet journals. I loved seeing pictures of others' homemade planners--I couldn't believe how pretty some of them were. I tried--and failed--once or twice to create my own "bujo," but I just couldn't keep up with it.
At the time, I didn't have an hour to spend designing page spreads, updating it every single day, and keeping it uniform. Uniformity was a big thing for me then--it stressed me out to have one page looking one way and the next page completely different. I hated it.
I lost interest pretty quickly--pre-printed planners suited my lifestyle much more than a homemade one did. But still, I couldn't help but feel a little jealous of all the pretty journals I saw online.
Nowadays, after lots of Pinterest boards and inspiration, I'm absolutely obsessed with my bujo. I fell in love with it. Here are six reasons why you'll fall in love with yours, too.
1. It's not just a planner. 
Yes, a lot of people use their bujos as a planner--be it weekly or monthly. I do not. The most "planner"-like spread my journal has is a monthly overview, where I write down goals for the month, accomplishments, birthdays, and important dates. Everything else goes in my real, store-bought planner!
2. You can keep track of literally anything. 
Want to track your weight loss? Make a spread. Want to track spending? Make a spread. Want to track how many episodes you have left until you're caught up on your favorite TV show? Make a spread.
3. There is no right or wrong way to do it. 
The greatest part about bullet journaling is that there is no right or wrong way to do it. Nobody can tell you your spread is wrong. It really allows for full creativity, and for me, that's especially helpful because I'm always trying to fit a certain mold. By letting myself be creative, I'm fighting that need to conform to examples and it's a really good feeling.
4. It's relaxing. 
It's almost like coloring, but you're being productive in the process!
5. The outcome is beautiful. 
I mean really, look at this spread! I'm amazed.
6. You can stay organized without feeling like you're micromanaging. 
This is a big one for me. I tend to micromanage everything, and I hate it. But when I organize myself in my bujo, I don't feel like I'm micromanaging. I feel like I'm clearing my head of everything clumped up inside of it, and at the end of a spread I feel relieved.