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The 30 Things I'll Miss The Most About Villanova Now That Graduation Is My Reality

Class of 2019, our time isn't over yet.

The 30 Things I'll Miss The Most About Villanova Now That Graduation Is My Reality
Sydney Mueller

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It still seems strange that I'll be ending my Villanova career in less than 90 days, only to be moving on to *bigger and better things,* as every parent, professor, or alumni has tried to explain to me. Once my friends started receiving job offers and we all started planning for where we would head after graduation, the thought of leaving this campus once and for all started to become a little bit more real. But, no matter how everyone feels, at the end of the day, we can't stop the clock from ticking down the number of days we have left. With less than three months until the Class of 2019 walks across that stage, here are 30 people, places, and things that I will miss as I say goodbye to Villanova and hello to post-grad.

The feeling of driving past the Villanova Chapel

It's hard to explain, but whether I am coming back for a move in day or just from Starbucks, driving past the chapel gives me a sense of "I'm home" that is hard to replicate.

"Wait. Wait. Wait. Walk sign is on." -Robot on Lancaster Avenue

Ah, the only intersection in the country where it is silently understood that no one will use the actual crosswalks.

Getting ready to go home for Fall Break

No one really knows why we have a week long break in October, but we're all thankful for it either way.

Seeing that your favorite Holy Grounds barista is working

You know who they are, they know who you are. And, more importantly, they know your order.

Formal season!!

The best time to get those iconic Driscoll Instagram pics.

Feeling like you know everyone on campus, then walking into a class and not knowing a single person.

This might not be the most ~comfortable~ experience I've had throughout my four years, but Villanova never fails to keep us humbled.

Seeing Jay Wright drive through campus on his golf cart, in the Exchange, giving a speech or really anywhere on campus

The internal debate of "Do I try to take a Snapchat of Jay Wright and risk looking creepy or just let him walk by me?" never ends.

The same thing, but with Father Peter

Who knew a president could be this worshipped?

Watching ~that~ 2016 National Championship shot with your roommates to make yourselves cry

NOTHING will ever compare to this moment.

 Ordering zilly fry pizza after a night out, loving it in the moment, and then having your stomach hate you the next day

Worth it? Worth it.

Trying to decipher who is a freshman, sophomore, junior, and senior when you walk by them on campus

 People watching in the Exchange

The perfect place to see that exact person you're avoiding.

 Avoiding eye contact with all of the clubs that have tables by the Oreo because you don't want to get roped in to signing up for something 

 Struggling during midterms/finals week to find anywhere on campus to study, because you know that Bartley and Falvey will be filled by 9 a.m

Might not miss this one too much...

 Getting that perfect church picture at sunset only to know you're going to Instagram it an hour later

 Pretending you're going to order something different from Campco, then ending up getting a large zilly fries with mac n' cheese bites anyway

The good news is, they already have your address on file!

 Having those days where you just have to lay on your roommates' floor, no questions asked and not moving for hours

 Walking through the quad and seeing the signs, flags, and posters everyone posts in their bedroom windows 

 The absolute rush of adrenaline you get every time there's a tip off of a Villanova basketball game

Stress, anxiety, and excitement all bottled up into one place is hard to replicate.

 Day drinking on a Thursday and it not being questioned by literally anyone around you

We all need a drink (or 4) once in a while, right?

Speaking of day drinking, Doba happy hour will ALWAYS be missed. 

It's going to be hard moving to a city where happy hour drinks are greater than $4.

 Snow days, because working from home definitely doesn't give the same feeling

 Living in the same house as all of your best friends

Calling across the hall isn't going to get everyone's attention anymore.

 Looking forward to tailgates in the freezing cold weather, especially when you actually have a ticket to the game

The ticket lottery has become my worst enemy, tbh.

 Not so subtle-y  bragging to your home friends that you witnessed not 1, but 2 National Championships 

This may have raised our expectations a little too high, but aiming too high shouldn't be a bad thing!

 Seeing the same people at Kelly's every weekend, but going anyway because all of your friends are (and it may or not be your only option)

RIP Maloney's.

 Trying to guess who the Hoops Mania singer was going to be and spreading every single rumor out there

Tbh, we're still upset that there was no singer this year.

 Taking a walk through campus and realizing that Villanova is way, way, way bigger than you thought

Looks are deceiving; who knew it would take 20 minutes to get from Fedigan to Davis?!

 Walking on campus during the first warm spring day and only to see main campus lined with people and 37 tours going on

There will always be those people who are playing frisbee at the Oreo, as if it was a movie.

 The feeling of knowing that you'll always have at least one more move in day.

Class of 2019 has a new meaning now.

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