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25 Things You'll Only Remember If You Were A True Directioner

If you don't have at least one memory of One Direction, you must have been living under a rock from 2010-2016. These 25 memories will only come back to those who truly adored one direction.

25 Things You'll Only Remember If You Were A True Directioner

Think you can get flashbacks from everything on this list? Read and find out!

1. 1D's terrible dancing skills

They had no dance moves going from the beginning. These boys really are just vocals. And if you remember as far back as Zayn crying during X-Factor rehearsals, congrats, you're truly one of the first Directioners ever conceived.

2. The X-Factor Video Diaries

If you were a true fan of 1D, you watched ALL of the video diaries, recorded all of their answers to fans questions, and even remembered some of the crazy things said during the videos. For example, Liam's dream super power is invisibility, Niall likes girls who have a great personality, and Louis likes girls who eat carrots.

3. The true definition of carrot

According to Urban Dictionary a Carrot is: "The annoying directioners. Normally between the ages of 8-12. A new directioner. A directioner who has just entered the fandom and feels as if they have to connect everyday words to one direction." Every 1D fan in America was a carrot at one point but, damn. Some of us were just out right terrible.

4. Wishing you could be the model from the "What Makes You Beautiful" music video

Just watch the video again and tell me you don't aspire to be that girl who gets to BASICALLY MAKE OUT WITH HARRY FREAKING STYLES about two and a half minutes into the video. I dare you. See, you can't do it. The twelve-year-old inside you loves these men way too much.

5. Louis' suspenders

I mean, c'mon. How can you not think about this gif at least 700 times a day?

6. Kevin the pigeon

I live in New York. We have a lot of pigeons. I think about Kevin quite a bit.

7. The Adventurous Adventures of 1D

If you don't remember the series of INCREDIBLE animated short-films by Mark Parsons, you aren't allowed to call yourself a Directioner in any capacity. These shorts defined everything that is One Direction and made our favorite sassy lads into Super Heroes. How could you not spend over two hours watching the whole series?!?

8. The Larry conspiracies

Only the realest of the real bought into the Larry Stylinson conspiracies back in the day. This conspiracy in short, explained that Louis and Harry were secretly dating. Fans around the world came to the conclusion after seeing clips such as those shown above. They then decided the reason they weren't out was due to their large female fanbase and fear of losing female fans after finding out two of the most sought-after band members were not only gay, but together. Rumors were shot down by Harry, Louis, the other band members and management over the years but many fans still believe in the sheer chemistry between the two.


Who else remembers when and where they were when the ENTIRE midnight memories album was discovered to be leaked? I was at middle school locker before first period when a friend came up to me screaming about it. How about you?

10. Your first 1D concert

Rumor had it that right before the start of every One Direction concert, every light in the stadium would go out and the intro video would play. I never could have guessed at the sheer rush that would come over me at that instant during my first One Direction concert. I cried real tears and my nails imprinted on a friends arm.

11. That time you tried to draw the boys

Every single Directioner has tried to draw the boys at least once. This drawing happened to go viral and if you can't remember the meme, you're definitely out of the running for biggest Directioner. Sorry!

12. That time you and your girls made a fan account at 3am

The first Instagram accounts I followed were One Direction fan accounts and I wish I was joking.

13. Downloading Wattpad to read the After Series

"After" is by far the most successful One Direction fanfiction ever written. It has gone so far to have even had a movie created based off the first novel which premiered in April, 2019. The Wattpad-turned-novel series written by Anna Todd was a worldwide sensation and quite frankly, the sexual awakening for most One Direction fans. The saga allowed us to imagine our future selves getting into a serious relationship with the bad boy of WashU, Harry Styles.

14. Zayn's RIDICULOUS high notes

None of us were Zayn girls until we found out he had some serious falsetto game.

15. 1D day live stream

Wow, this day was a trip. From throwing potatoes around the room, to singing at the top of my lungs with girlfriends, to Nialls bum tattoo. I can't imagine a better 7 hours. If I had a time machine, I would go back to Saturday November 23, 2013, I can tell you that much.

16. The ICONIC "Harry Styles Tattoo Sweatshirt" from Freshtops

Every person in school wanted this sweatshirt. Not only would it instantly give you tattoos, it gave you HARRY STYLES' TATTOOS!!!! EXACTLY WHERE THEY ARE ON HIS BODY!!!!! What kind of Directioner didn't save all of their allowance money to buy this sweatshirt?!

17. "Just Can't Let Her Go"

Nothing will ever hurt me more than finding out "Just Can't Let Her Go" never quite made it through production.

18. Where you were on March 25, 2015

The day Zayn Malik announced his decision to leave One Direction and pursue music on his own is forever engraved in every Directioner's memory. I vividly remember sobbing with all of my friends over the tragedy during rehearsals for my middle school's production of Legally Blonde. If you don't have a similar story of heartbreak and trauma, get out.

19. Knowing the EXACT timeline of Harry's hair journey

Here's a video to jog your memory God forbid you can't remember every detail of Harry's hair from 2010-2015.

20. The Our Moment perfume

Recognize this gorgeous pink bottle with tulle crown and diamond detailing? I do. And I can promise you I still wear this perfume as it smelt INCREDIBLE. Thank you very much.

21. Narry's "Better Than Words" solos

"...You make me wanna TSSSSS..." If you never saw this live I promise you, it lives up to the hype. Watching your faves grab their crotch as they sing about sex is the most erotic thing my 13-year-old brain could have possibly experienced and it'll still do it for ya if you're 20.

22. The snake habitat

But we all know, the real snake habitat was in Liam's pants. *wink wink*

23. One Direction: This Is Us, The Movie

For my 13th birthday, my friends and I dressed as our favorite 1D member and paraded ourselves to the local movie theater where we sat for two hours in awe of their beauty and talent. If that's not dedication, I don't know what is.

24. Harry's obsession with throwing water at the fans

If you have ever had water thrown at you by Harry Styles, I hope you know how many people want to be you.

25. How much of a community the fandom was and still is

For this last bullet, I enlisted the help of an old friend. Nicole and I went to our first ever One Direction concert together but we lost touch during high school. I reached out during the process of writing this article and I asked simply, "What did/does One Direction mean to you?" Nicole responded, "One Direction was really the first band I supported 100%. I wanted the merch, bought physical copies of albums, went to concerts, etc. I remember when new music was released it was literally THE most exciting day ever and friends would be texting back and forth saying our favorite songs and how excited we were to see them live. Although music is the biggest part of my life I really don't think I can say I've supported any artist like that since. Sure I love so, so, so many artists and music amaze me every day, but that One Direction era was really crazy. One Direction still brings me new friends and memories, even now that I'm almost 19-years-old and entering my second year of college. Some of my girlfriends and I will blast 1D before dinner or a night out or on a car ride and just scream the lyrics and have a great time... its amazing that I still remember all the words to all the songs."

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