Veronica E. Ward on Odyssey Veronica E. Ward
Veronica E. Ward

Veronica E. Ward

Username: vold3mort7gmail-_-com

Joined in August 2017

  • About
    I have always loved to write -- I plan on pursuing writing and/or editing as a career -- and I like to think I'm pretty good at it, too. With this skill, I could use the Odyssey platform to not only share my experiences and perspectives to which others can relate, but also provide insights on my own unique experiences. Throughout my relatively short life so far, I have done many things that most people never do (such as living on a military base in Japan for a month, surviving a literal "tornado in a trailer park," and competing in an international creative solution competition, known as Odyssey of the Mind), and I would love to provide anyone who is interested with at least a glimpse of those adventures.

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