Cayla Keiser on Odyssey Cayla Keiser
Cayla Keiser

Cayla Keiser

Username: littleduck14

Joined in August 2017

  • About
    There is a difference between writing for pleasure and writing for education. Anyone passionate about writing of any kind is going to find creative ways to make any assignment fun, and is going to take the time to write for their own personal gain; that is pleasure writing. People who are looking teach others about a subject they are passionate about write for other's gain; that is educational writing. When you combine them both, you get what The Odyssey is all about, and what I am interested in pursuing. I know that as a writer, my goal is not only enjoy what I write about, but also to teach others to enjoy it just as much as I do. I am a photographer, I am passionate about American Sign Language, I am an advocate for the Deaf community, I am proud of my Jewish roots, I am an avid traveler, I am a creative writer, but most importantly, I am a young woman who has a desire for her voice to be heard and her story to be written.

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