To the college student who is over-comfortable, and even bored, with their life. To the college student who hates being stuck in one place.
To the college student who aches to travel.
You are not alone. Being on a college campus can make you feel trapped. I mean seriously, how many times can you do the same thing every single day in the same place?
There are people that are ok with their life of routine; they're OK with seeing the same buildings and the same people day after day -- but you are not like that. Instead, you want to see everything that you have never seen before. And why wouldn't you?
You want to see:
Morten Rustand, Norway
Venice, Italy
Paris, France
Northern Lights in Alaska
Matterhorn, The Alps
Traveling to you is like breathing. You are always itching to get away, and if you are lucky enough with your time at college, you will get the chance to study abroad and see where the world takes you for an entire semester. As a college student, it will be one of the cheapest ways to travel the world in your life. Hopefully, one day, you will have the chance to see the world the way you want to.
Hold on to your wanderlust and don't worry- the world will be yours soon, but for now, you just have to get through this thing called "class."