This is the part of the semester where everyone is getting stressed with school work. Hopefully, these activities can help lower your stress levels! Remember to take care of yourself!
1. Take some deep breaths
Sometimes you have to take a step back and breathe. When you are stressed, it's very easy to get worked up. Taking some deep breaths allows you to take a little break and to gain a new perspective.
2. Read a book for enjoyment
When I'm overwhelmed, I love reading a book for fun. It's such a great feeling to dive into something that's totally different from the real world. If books aren't your thing, finding an interesting article online works too.
3. Take a nap
I know it sounds ironic but surprisingly, it works. However, it should be a short nap. Especially if you can't focus, having a short nap can help reset yourself. You get a little more sleep and you get a short break from the constant thoughts that are bothering you.
4. Text or call a friend
Talking it out with a friend can be super helpful. It allows you to hear another perspective. When I'm in a situation where I'm freaking out, I am definitely not in the right headspace. Having someone who is not experiencing the situation can help me think more positive and to not go straight to the worst-case scenarios.
5. If overwhelmed with work, write a list
When I get stressed with the amount of work I have to do, I find writing down lists helps a lot. It helps you prioritize when everything is due. Crossing things out makes me feel productive. Even if it is a small task, every little bit helps.
6. Clean up your study space
Not being organized is sometimes the reason why I can't focus. Having a clean study space can make a huge difference. It can act as a small break and you will be more productive that way.
7. Go for a walk
I know it is starting to get cold now, but walking away from your work can help you reset yourself. Getting fresh air can clear your mind. Looking at the beautiful nature outside can increase your mood. We have such a pretty campus, let's appreciate it.
8. Watch an episode of your favorite TV show
Taking study breaks are beneficial. No one can focus for hours at a time. If you schedule to watch an episode after doing some quality homework or studying, it can be used as motivation to get what you need to get done.
9. Watch funny YouTube videos
Watching something that makes you laugh is therapeutic! It can be used as a distraction and it is what people say: laughter is the best medicine.