You'd love nothing more than the look on your relative's face when they see you've given them man's best friend. There really isn't a gift that tops getting a puppy. It is even better and sweeter when you adopt a pup from a rescue shelter.
It's two gifts in one. You adopt a pup and gift them with a new lease on life and you gift a family with the presence of a puppy. But as cute as it is to have a puppy, it comes with loads of work. So before you decide to get someone a pup this holiday season, please, for the sake of returned Christmas puppies everywhere, heavily consider the following:
1. Do they have the time to raise an animal?
Having a puppy is a lot of work, training a puppy is even harder. It takes consistency and dedication. Is the person you will give the puppy always working all day? Do they go out all the time? Stay away long weekends? It is entirely possibly to be too busy for a puppy, just be responsible enough to know when that's your situation.
2. Can they house-train the animal?
Do they have knowledge in potty training an animal? If they've never done it before, do they have the time and patience to do so? Mistakes will happen during training. Do they have the patience to be understanding and calm when accidents happen?
3. Do they have the means to raise and care for an animal?
Puppies need to get vaccines and have a vet they can go to for any emergencies. Some animals may need to be fixed at some point in their lives. They need food to eat every day, medicines, pet deposit fees. These things cost money and especially with the vet, it isn't cheap.
4. Do they have the living space to take in an animal?
Please don't get a puppy for your loved one who lives in a small apartment with no grass area outside. Pups need space, they need room to run, they need room to grow. Does the person you want to give a puppy to move around a lot? Do they often rent apartments that don't allow pets? Do they have a yard or space to take the dog outside?
5. Do they have the patience for the puppy stage?
There will be carpets stained, shoes destroyed, trash dug through. It's a puppy thing. No matter how hard you try, you can't prevent everything from happening, puppy accidents included.
Does the person you wish to gift a puppy have the patience to handle these incidents? Do they have to stay calm when accidents happen and focus on teaching the dog right from wrong?
Or are they going to get mad and fed up when their favorite pair of shoes get chewed up? Are they going to mistreat the dog and not teach it any different when things like getting in the trash happen?
6. Adopt, don't shop.Â
Shelters across the world are filled with dogs who would do anything for a new family to love and cherish. Some shelter pups require a little more loving, nonetheless, they just as much deserve a new lease on life just like any other pup. Before you go to a chain pet store and buy a puppy, please consider adopting from a local shelter first.