The Ideal Summer Bucket List For Foodies, Adventurers & Nature Lovers
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The Ideal Summer Bucket List For Foodies, Adventurers & Nature Lovers

Check off each of these activities this summer!

The Ideal Summer Bucket List For Foodies, Adventurers & Nature Lovers

While last summer was plagued by the coronavirus outbreak and virtual lifestyles, this summer can be quite different. Given the vaccine roll out across the nation, it has become more of a possibility to travel, hang out with friends, and spend time doing exactly what you missed out on last year.

You may want to do an assortment of activities in the summertime, especially given the warmer weather and greater availability with scheduling. It can be quite difficult to even think of where to begin, but I have brainstormed an extensive list of fun summer activities that you should complete this season.

Welcome to my ideal summer bucket list! Use these ideas in whatever way you would like, and try to spend as much time as possible out in the world trying something new or fun!

Kayak or canoe at your local lake.

Photo by Filip Mroz on Unsplash

Head out into the water and spend time in nature.

Have a "Beach Day!"

Photo by Alex Perez on Unsplash

Who doesn't like the beach and ocean waves?

Visit a Farmer’s Market.

Photo by Jan Canty on Unsplash

Get some fresh fruits and veggies!!!

Go cliff jumping with your closest friends.

Photo by Austin Neill on Unsplash

This one's for the adventure lovers!

Spend an entire day at the pool with your best friends.

Photo by Raphaël Biscaldi on Unsplash

Need to relax? This is an easy solution.

Paint during a sunset.

Photo by Jordan Wozniak on Unsplash

Get out your paint brushes and gain inspiration from the beautifully colored sky. The world is your canvas.

Create matching jewelry with your besties. 

Photo by eleonora on Unsplash

Make sure to wear your creations around town.

Attend or host a party!

Photo by Jade Masri on Unsplash

Have a reason to celebrate each and every day!

Wake up at sunrise and have a photoshoot

Photo by Patrick on Unsplash

Lights. Camera. Action.

Climb a mountain.

Photo by Charlotte Karlsen on Unsplash

Set a goal and achieve it!

Fly in a plane.

Photo by Ross Parmly on Unsplash

Go somewhere spontaneously.

Go parasailing!

Photo by Reza Salehan on Unsplash

Just step outside of your comfort zone.

Eat ice cream from every shop in town.

Photo by Brooke Lark on Unsplash

All of my foodie friends will love this bucket list activity.

Pull an all-nighter.

Photo by Victoria Heath on Unsplash

Make sure you have a lot of coffee!!!

Make a new friend.

Photo by Vonecia Carswell on Unsplash

Talk to someone new.

Go shopping in a different state!

Photo by Taras Zaluzhnyi on Unsplash

Make a plan, get in the car and shop until you drop. Make sure to check out new stores that you've never shopped in before.

Work out at the gym late at night.

Photo by Javier Santos Guzmán on Unsplash

Hit the gym when it's dead.

Run to a destination.

Photo by Chander R on Unsplash

Tie up your running shoes, and hit the town.

Try a new food (Bonus For Being Out Of Your Comfort Zone!)

Photo by shaian ramesht on Unsplash

Get outside of your comfort zone. You could even try cooking something new yourself.

Thank your friends and family.

Photo by Courtney Hedger on Unsplash

Thank the people who mean the most to you.

Ride a bike on the boardwalk.

Photo by Andriyko Podilnyk on Unsplash

Burn some extra calories and experience the boardwalk in a new way.

Enjoy every minute you have!

Photo by Lukas Blazek on Unsplash

Time goes by quickly, so make the most of every moment.

Good luck, adventurers!

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