9 Things We, As Strong Women, Should NEVER Be Embarrassed About
It's time for women to stop apologizing so much.
In the 18 years of my existence, I have come across many instances where I have found women apologizing for the most absurd things. Often, I have found myself being embarrassed by something that should be totally normal! I think it's time we stop being embarrassed by ourselves and start appreciating ourselves instead.
1. For putting work first
Our careers are as important as any one else's. Prioritizing work does not make us bad friends, wives, or mothers.
2. For putting on "too much" makeup
It's your face. You can do whatever you want with it. If you feel more comfortable with makeup on or like doing your makeup, you go, girl! Never, ever apologize or feel embarrassed for looking good!
3. For "looking like hell"
As I said, it's your face. It's okay if you "look like hell." You do not owe any explanation to anyone!
4. For being taller than your man
Wear those heels. Hover over your man like a mountain. Be the taller one. It's all right. Don't ever be embarrassed for being taller than your man! Being taller just means he has more of you to love, and who would mind that?
5. For PMSing
Women all over the world need to stop apologizing for being a moody during "that time." Your hormones are going crazy and you can't control it.
6. For eating too much
This one is so common, I myself have been embarrassed for being too hungry and starved myself instead of eating more. This needs to stop. Everyone has different requirements, and we need to be more accepting of those who need a little more than we do.
7. For having multiple exes
Don't let your past haunt you. We all make mistakes. Ariana Grande isn't ashamed of her long list of exes, why should you be? If anything, you've learned from your mistakes.
9. For your sexual preferences
Your needs are as important as anyone else's. That includes your sexual preferences. Never be embarrassed!
You do not owe an explanation to anyone for being yourself. These are such natural things. As we stop being embarrassed, we also become more accepting of others.