Faith On Trial Part 2
Are we slowing down and truly enjoying each word, or are we checking off a box on the list of a "good Christian life?"
There is no pretending that there is a constant battle in our faith between good and evil. As we face trials, spiritual warfare becomes more real and painful than ever. But, the battle is on and there is an evil one who wants to strip you of the truth of who you are. This is what the devil fears the most—knowing who and whose you are. You are a child of God, an heir to His kingdom, an image-bearer of the Creator of the world and an ambassador of Christ. So, how do we know this?
You are…
a child of God—1 John 3
an heir to His kingdom—Romans 8:17-18
an image-bearer of the Creator of the world—Genesis 1:26-27
an ambassador of Christ—2 Corinthians 5:11-21
John 1:1
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God and the Word was God.
We know who the Lord is, what He's done, and therefore who WE are because of the Word.
If we don't look into the Word, what do we have to fuel us for the spiritual warfare and brokenness we face? In Romans 10:17, Paul explains that faith comes from hearing the message, which is heard through the word of Christ. Therefore, the Word is a crucial gift that is given to us by the Lord (2 Timothy 3:15-17). This God-breathed word is teaching us how to be more like Christ, who faced ALL suffering and pain for our sake. This verse explains that servants of God are equipped for every good work through Scripture.
So how do we equip ourselves for a long journey? Well first, you can start with adequate food and water. John 6:25-59 describes God as the bread of life while earlier in John 1, John explains God to be the Word. So, the Word of God is our spiritual food to give us energy through the journey of life. Now in verse 35, the Lord declares, "No one who comes to Me will ever be hungry, and no one who believes in me will ever go thirsty again." Not only is God's Word replenishing our spiritual hunger, but quenches our thirst to know more of Him. Now, through the journey with the Word at our fingertips, we are replenished through the truth we receive from Him.
Shoes are pretty important on a long journey. In Ephesians 6, Paul urges us to put on "the full armor of God" for the spiritual warfare we face daily. In verse 15, the sandals he described are charged with "readiness for the gospel of peace." These shoes are for us to go, not just sit down and wait. Yes, there can be waiting and it is important to be still in the presence of the Lord. But in the same way, He calls us to walk in Him (Colossians 2:6) as an act of faithfulness and trust. Finally, you need protection, especially when you are vulnerable in the unknown of your path. Hebrews 4:12 reads, "For the word of God is living and effective and sharper than any double-edged sword." The Word is our only offensive weapon. It seems foolish to go into warfare without a sword or some kind of weapon. The Word is not only a weapon and act of protection but also used to expand territory and take something over. We are called to invade Satan's territory by learning about the truth of who we are and who sent us.
Something that has truly convicted me during this season of my faith is Jeremiah 15:16 which reads, "When your words came, I ate them; they were my joy and my heart's delight, for I bear your name, Lord God Almighty." As we eat good food, we make sure to slow down and savor each bite. To savor is to taste and enjoy it completely. Are we savoring each word and allowing it to seep into our minds and hearts? Are we slowing down and truly enjoying each word, or are we checking off a box on the list of a "good Christian life?" If we aren't savoring, we are usually snacking. And nine times out of ten, those snacks aren't the best nutritionally. It is the same way spiritually, snacking on the Word does not substitute for a well-balanced diet. As we snack, we find ourselves craving things other than God-like selfishness, instant satisfaction, and pride. This is JUNK FOOD. These subconscious desires, just like junk food, might not affect your health at first, but it will damage your health long term.
So, I challenge you to self-evaluate and reflect on what you're filling your heart with: the feast that is the Word of God or snacks that will never fulfill you.