14 Of The Best The 1975 Songs For When It's Sad Boi Hours
Sometimes you just gotta sulk, you know?
There are so many more, but I think these are some of the best for the times where you wanna just be sad.
1. Me
Matty describes me as a song "all about guilt and [his] understanding that [his] actions have had quite serious consequences."
Saddest lyric: I'm sorry, but I'd rather be getting high than watching my family die.
2. Somebody Else
Somebody Else is about seeing an ex with someone else and although you might not want to be with them, you also don't want to see them moving on.
Saddest lyric: Our love has gone cold, you're intertwining your soul with somebody else.
3. Fallingforyou
Fallingforyou is about unrequited love and really wishing for something more than what you have.
Saddest lyric: I don't wanna be your friend, I wanna kiss your neck.
4. A Change Of Heart
A Change Of Heart is about falling out of love with someone and finally see them for who they truly are.
Saddest lyric: I feel as though I was deceived, I never found love in the city, I just sat in self-pity and cried in the car.
5. I Always Wanna Die (Sometimes)
I Always Wanna Die (Sometimes) is Matty's take on how we have made a meme out of death. Throughout the song, he talks about the implications of how we're making light of such a difficult subject.
Saddest lyric: But your death it won't happen to you, It happens to your family and your friends.
6. Is There Somebody Who Can Watch You
This song is about Matty feeling responsible for his brother during his parent's divorce, but how he couldn't be there for him because that's when his band first started getting big.
Saddest lyric: I know it's me that supposed to love you, and when I'm home you know I got you.
7. Nana
This song is about Matty getting over the death of his grandmother. This song is all acoustic which makes it even sadder.
Saddest lyric: But I'm bereft you see, I think you can tell, I haven't been doing too well.
8. Inside Your Mind
Matty describes Inside Your Mind as being "the idea of sometimes wanting to know what your partner is thinking so much that you want to smash their head open and look... I like the idea of morbidly romantic stuff sometimes."
Saddest lyric: Maybe you are dreaming you're in love with me.
9. She Lays Down
She Lays Down is about Matty's mom and her postpartum depression.
Saddest lyric: She's appalled by not loving me at all OR She just wants to feel something and I don't think that's asking for too much... I couldn't choose.
10. Undo
Undo is about Matty not being able to be fully present in a relationship which ultimately causes him to lose the girl he was hooking up with to another person.
Saddest lyric: I wanna see you but you're not mine.
11. Paris
This song is kind of all over the place, but it touches on a lot of topics like infidelity and addiction.
Saddest lyric: I caught her picking her nose as the crowd cheered for an overdose.
12. Medicine
I spent a lot of time thinking this song was romantic, but recently found out it's actually about Matty's past drug addiction. Which makes the song so sad. This is still one of my favorite songs by them.
Saddest lyric: Yeah you rid me of the blues ever since you came into my life.
13. Be My Mistake
Be My Mistake is about a girl Matty had been hooking up with after a recent breakup. He talks about how the girl he is with now will never compare to his ex-girlfriend.
Saddest lyric: The smell of your hair reminds me of her feet.
14. Antichrist
This song is so sad even Matty refuses to sing it live anymore.
Saddest lyric: I feel like I'm just treading water, is it the same for you?