Prose On Narrative: Heeding The Siren's Song
This prose tells the story of Sirens who command the sea and act as its voice. A Siren can find rest from commanding the sea, only if they find a worthy human to take their place.
I should be dead. Breaking the surface wasn't pleasant, it hurt. Though, more than just hurt, it seemed to break me open. Through the cracks, prickly scales of icy water seeped into my body ever so slowly like syrup. It filled me up until my lungs begged and cried for air. Yet, every opportunity I received to tear through the barrier of ocean above me, I was thrust back into the depth, waves bullying me to stay down and laughing at my misfortune. In other words, I was drowning.
"Give up Addison, your struggle is pointless. Nothing can beat the strength of these seas." The words seemed to add a thickness to the water, a gruesome chill that stole all my energy. I kicked my feet and slashed my hands through the surrounding water and forced myself to at least try to swim- if I was going to die, I wasn't going to do so idly. I swam in whatever direction I perceived as up and desperately tried to keep my consciousness, but I was failing.
"Hmmm.." the voice whispered, shoving me further into the depths. "How unique.. you're not yielding. Most would have drown by now, how strange it is that you haven't." At that moment the water shifted, chuckling at my distress, smashing against me in an almost rhythmic force. "Fine. I have decided not to kill you, I find your determination for survival intriguing. I will instead bestow upon you the greatest of honors. You will take my place, control the waves and seas until you yourself find a worthy candidate. So give up child, your struggle now is truly pointless. Nothing can beat the strength of these seas."
The voice.
The words.
The water.
Everything grasped at my veins and pulled at my lungs, filling me up until all I could do was sleep.
I was drowning.
I drowned.