Just Because You Are Running Solo For Valentine's Day, Doesn't Mean You Can Ruin The Day For Couples
Other people actually want to enjoy the day.
Around this time of year, there is a certain "holiday" - If you call it that - that a lot of individuals in relationships like to celebrate. Yes, Valentine's Day is quickly approaching and while those in relationships are preparing gifts and dates, others who are single are well, . . . Not doing that.
In fact, most single individuals dread the weeks leading up to February 14th. Why? Simply because they don't have a significant other to spend Valentine's Day with. So, instead of preparing gifts and dates, they are preparing for "anti-Valentine's Day" or "Galentine's Day", which are both events where they spend the day with close friends (or total strangers) around them to avoid being lonely. Most of the time, these events are tied together with talking down on Valentine's Day and those who celebrate it.
Now, what I don't understand is why. What is the point of going around and saying "I hate Valentine's Day" or "Valentine's Day is stupid"? What is the point of rolling your eyes or giving dirty looks to couples spending the day together? I don't understand why single people have to be so condescending towards those in relationships. Whether you want to be single or not, there is no need to be crabby towards others.
What I have also come to notice is the fact that people only become rude like this during Valentine's Day but for the rest of the year, these same people are fine towards couples. Is it just the name of Valentine's Day that gets people upset? The fact that there is a dedicated "holiday" to it? It is just a regular day, with the same, regular people except it now has a label and now people want to roll their eyes? It just doesn't make sense.
I don't understand why it is so hard for people to let couples enjoy their Valentine's Day with each other. I don't understand the need for an anti-Valentine's Day and that is because there really is not a need for one. Anti-Valentine's Day should not have needed to be created but because of those single people out there who are crabby, and need the attention and validation on this one specific day, it was.
Now, let me take a minute to clarify something. If you are a single person reading this saying "well, I don't do any of this" or "I may be single but I love Valentine's Day" then great! This article is not directed towards you. This article is directed towards those who think their single status is superior to others' relationship status. To those people, maybe you should take the day and show some love to yourself.
Valentine's Day was not created to be celebrated how it is now - just like most holidays. It was created in honor of Saint Valentine. There are many legends about Saint Valentine but a popular one is:
One legend contends that Valentine was a priest who served during the third century in Rome. When Emperor Claudius II decided that single men made better soldiers than those with wives and families, he outlawed marriage for young men. Valentine, realizing the injustice of the decree, defied Claudius and continued to perform marriages for young lovers in secret.
Valentine knew the importance of love and wouldn't let it be outlawed, so now people take this day to celebrate their love for one another. This day is not meant to spite the single people, it is meant to celebrate history and love. Valentine's Day is not just a useless day, it is a day with a historical background, and it is a day that people should let be celebrated without ruining it for others.