3 Things Everyone Should Be Saying A Little More Often
No one can say these things enough.
Everyone assumes that those around them know how they are feeling and what they are thinking, but that's not always the case. There are songs that say this and people say this over and over, but no one ever really listens. As people age, they start to realize how true it is to say things more often but also know when to hold back. Some things you can't say enough, but most don't say it at all.
So, here's some of those things we should be saying a little more often.
1. Always tell someone when you love them.
I know how childish and how insignificant this may seem, but you have no idea how much this could mean to someone. Some go through their life without being told by those they love that they do truly love them. This can be hard for someone and often cause regret to those who don't say this often.
I wish so many times that I could give those I have lost, like my grandmother, another hug and tell her that I love her one more time. Every time I walk out of a room from my parents or loved ones I tell them that I love them, because you never know when it will be the last time. On the flip side, never tell someone you hate them, because words are powerful and they cannot be taken back.
2. Remember to say what you're thankful for.
When you verbalize or write down what you are thankful for, it can make you realize how blessed you are and how much you have to be thankful for. This always makes my mood better and helps show how little the issues in my life can be so small and are things that I shouldn't fixate all of my energy on. This is always a good idea and can help put you in a better mood!
3. Say you are sorry.
Life is too short to fight with others or be in a bad position with others. Throw your pride out the window if that is what is keeping you from apologizing. It is hard for some to apologize, myself included, so when I get into a fight or argument I take a minute to breathe, and then go back and try to talk rationally and apologize. This is important and can save some time and can make you happier and your life more stress-free.