This Is The Birth Control You Should Be Taking, Forget The Others
It is time to settle the debate once and for all.
The birth control you should be taking is the one that works best for YOU.
We constantly forget that every person's body is not the same. We constantly forget that everyone's hormones are not the same. We constantly forget that everyone on birth control is not having wild amounts of sex. Each person's reason is unique. While one birth control may work for one person, it may not work for someone else. Some need hormonal birth control, while others thrive better on non-hormonal. Some prefer pills while others feel safer with an implant or an IUD.
Some people use birth control to prevent pregnancies, while others use it for more than that such as heavy periods, endometriosis, hormone imbalances, and so many more reasons. There is no one fix all, each birth control may help these issues differently and nobody needs to know why. Others are not entitled to know your reasoning for taking birth control. You never need to feel as if you have to explain that reason.
Birth control is not something you always have success on the first try. It is sadly something that may be trial and error until you find what works best for YOU. If there are negative effects with one version, never be afraid to stop that one and try another. Never feel like you have to stick with a type of birth control that is not working for you just because it worked for all of your friends.
It is your body, do what is best for it. That may even include not taking birth control at all. Never feel guilty for taking it or not taking it. Do the best you are able to do for your body because it is the only one you have. If your options are limited, choose what is best out of your options until you are able to explore other options. Even look into online companies that now offer birth control. Continue to fight for those who are unable to afford it, to gain access to it.