Cole Stolte on OdysseyCole Stolte
Cole Stolte

Cole Stolte

Username: crs1125

Joined in February 2018

  • About

    I'm a business management major and creative writing minor at Stony Brook University who has always had an extreme passion for writing. For as long as I can remember, writing fiction has been a form of both fun and escapism for me, allowing me to create my own worlds and tell any story I could ever possibly dream up. In high school, I discovered my love for poetry and nonfiction as well. Poetry helped me to cope with my own inner demons, often centering around issues with depression and anxiety. Nonfiction on the other hand gave me a voice and an opinion that often times it was hard for me to express verbally, but seemed to come so naturally to me when written out. All in all I strive to continue furthering my passion and hopefully attract a few readers along the way!

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