5 Reasons You Keep Binging 'The Office' Instead Of Watching Something New
Nothing you want to watch on Netflix? Might as well binge "The Office" for the thirtieth time.
Streaming services have given us many wonderful things, but I think the ability to re-watch NBC's hit sitcom "The Office" over and over again is probably the most special. While fans are once again faced with the show's potential removal from streaming titan Netflix, (like hello, I might as well cancel my subscription now) let's recount the reasons why we keep watching the show time and again.
1. Michael Scott.
If you've seen even a handful of episodes, it's pretty clear that the heart of it ies in Steve Carrell's portrayal of the series main character, Michael Scott. Michael is awkward, unintentionally hilarious and all too frequently the best/worst boss that the Dunder Mifflin Scranton office has ever known. While the show carried on a strong final 2 seasons sans Carrell, there is truly nothing like the Michael Scott years.
2. Jim & Dwight.
From the beginning of the show, we get to sit shotgun through the hilarious ride that is Jim and Dwight's antics. Dwight's hatred of Jim coupled with Jim's relentless desire to drive Dwight insane make for some truly wonderful television. But the thing that really keeps us coming back for the paper salesman vs. paper salesman duel? The fact that underneath all the pranks and high-pitched "Michael!"s is a tried and true friendship.
3. Jim & Pam...and pretty much all the love stories.
Through the love story of Jim & Pam, "The Office" takes the classic "will they, won't they" concept and instead makes the viewers scream at their television sets "WHY THE HELL ARE THEY NOT!?! THEY BELONG TOGETHER!" While it takes a few years to finally get them together, the show keeps their love alive even when it should get boring. The finale alone is a testament to how truly epic their simple office love-story is. But Jim & Pam can't get all of the credit for giving us feels. From Dwight & Angela's constant affairs to Andy & Erin never being on the same page to Kelly & Ryan being so wrong for each other it's right, the show gives us some OTP worthy relationships.
4. The cast feels like a group of everyday people.
Sure, they're all actors, but they definitely give the impression of people you might really know. They are not always the most clever or reasonable, not always well spoken and almost always relatable. It helps that the writer's had characters like Creed and Phyllis have the actor's real names, making it all the more believable. "The Office" isn't a bunch of incredibly attractive, well-dressed people and doesn't take place in some fancy high-rise office in Manhattan or a swanky suite in Silicon Valley. Instead, it's a normal group of people, in a small office park in the middle of Pennsylvania and that's something that relates to more of us than Hollywood would like to believe.
5. It's one of the funniest shows of all time.
I can't tell you how many times I've watched the series, (because I've lost count) but it still makes me laugh out loud. Many say "The Office" is one of the greatest sitcoms of all time and it can't be denied that has everything to do with its ability to make us crack the fuck up. Call it incredible writing, incredible characters or just the magic of a mockumentary, but "The Office" is definitely so funny it hurts. Insanely quote-able and even more gif-able, the funny doesn't fade no matter how many times you've watched.
I know, you're angry because now you're ready to launch Netflix and start this 9 season party all over again, but don't worry, you won't be alone. Let's just pray Hollywood doesn't decide to do a reboot and that Netflix keeps renewing its contract until the end of time.