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10 Reasons A Puppy Is The Perfect Christmas Gift For Anyone In Your Life
4. They look freaking adorable with Santa!
17 November 2018
Full disclosure, I call every dog a puppy. It doesn't matter how big, small, fat, skinny, old, or young, the dog is...it's a puppy. So prepare yourself to be convinced! You're going to find yourself looking up shelters near you, immediately following this article.
You're welcome.
2. They're perfect traveling partners!
They love cars as much as you love your destination, and they'll be happy just being with you!
3. They NEVER stop being photogenic...even 12 years later.
Dogs are a lifelong commitment, and they age WAY better than you will.
4. They look freaking adorable with Santa!
Local shops and shelters will do pictures with Santa for free or low cost! Look how cute...
5. A doggo in the shelter is calling your name...
There are so many dogs that will be spending Christmas in the shelter if you don't adopt them, or worse. Consider adopting!
9. You'll never stop smiling...
Until they chew up your shoes, or eat all your toilet paper or knock over the garbage. At least they're cute!
10. There's nothing better than a gift that lasts forever!
They'll be with you for their whole life...what could top that?
Consider adopting a furry friend into your family today!
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Self Love
F^&* The Status Quo
You are the creator of your own life. "Step outside, get some air, and remind yourself of who you are and who you want to be."
07 November 2018
MacKenzie Furlo
Unfortunately, life isn't all rainbows and butterflies.
At the end of the day, we all know nothing is perfect. Life can be confusing and frustrating, but life is also beautiful.
It's a never-ending journey of learning about ourselves.
I've been doing some soul searching recently.
I'm confused.
I don't fully know everything I want in life and although I know it's okay that I don't have those answers, it's hard.
It's hard to not know and it's hard to feel lost but it's more normal than we let ourselves believe.
I know that along with myself there are millions of other people feeling this way at this very moment, and yet, I let my anxiety and the little voice inside my head tell me that I'm alone in this.
It needs to be talked about. Life is not perfect, human beings are not perfect, no one expects us to be perfect but for some odd reason, we put this pressure on ourselves.
Pressure to always be okay, to have it together 100% of the time. Pressure to do certain things by certain ages in our lives and pressure to fit into the mold or the live up to the status quo that has been created by generations before us.
Fuck the status quo. It's 2018, what even is "normal?" There's no such thing anymore. Normal is just what people perceive to be right or what people see the most of… But who's to say the path less traveled shouldn't be the norm?
Not everyone obtains happiness by accomplishing the same things. Success means something different to everyone.
You don't need to have a certain type of job, bring in x amount of money annually, be married by a certain age, or find love the "right way" to consider yourself prosperous.
Do you have dreams…? Are you happy? Are you where you [currently] want to be? Are you working on becoming a better person every day? Then to me, you're on the right path.
Maybe you have goals that take you somewhere else in life and you want specific things to [eventually] change, but if you're waking up every day working towards those goals then who's to say that you're behind just because you haven't quite made it… (yet).
Dreams are a funny thing. We put a timeline on them yet we have this whole life to make it happen. Now I'm all about getting after what you want and what is going to make you happy, but if you're in a place where you're enjoying the ride on the way to that dream and you're content in your current situation, keep doing what you're doing. Keep working at the dream while being okay with where you are, being okay with what needs to be done to get to that place.
We are all confused. We are all hoping for the best out of life.
At the end of the day, we need to do what makes us happy. As hard as it is to forget about the thoughts that consume us, (i.e. "what will this person think of me?" or "what if my choice ends up being the wrong one?") we just need to take the leap. Maybe not right away, but start taking the baby steps that will get you to that place. The place you want to end up.
And just know that along the way, through all of the confusion and frustration, that you are not alone. You're never alone.
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Mental Health
Once You Open Up, You'll Realize That You Are Never Alone In Your Personal Struggles
Even though everyone has a different story and situation, in the end, all human beings stand united because our experiences shape who we are.
15 October 2018
Most people in this world have gone through something in their lives. It could be intense such as the loss of a loved one, depression, feeling like an outcast, or just dealing with the daily stress of college and school life. Most people have felt alone at some point in their lives. The struggle seems painful and heart-wrenching at times. However, we must remember that we are never alone. All we have to do is talk to each other.
Before I came to Rutgers University, I decided to find a way to branch out of my comfort zone. I wanted to get to know some of my future classmates before college started. Luckily, I found a summer program that did just that. A three-day adventurous outdoor escape which helped build close and personal connections between new Rutgers students. Each day was a different adventure, whether it was zip lining, hiking, or roasting s'mores in the forest. We participated in many team building activities where we shared our personal thoughts on situations going on in the world and had deep conversations which revealed so much about ourselves and the situations we have been through throughout our lives.
It was because of these deep and personal conversations that I realized all these years I was never alone in my struggles. My situation is not worse than anyone else's, because somewhere else, someone else is going through the same thing. I sat in a circle in the middle of a forest late at night with people that I met two days prior, and I realized the importance of sharing our experiences with each other and not making assumptions about people without getting to know them on a personal level.
Finding people who can relate to the situations and challenges that you are going through will make it easier for you to overcome the challenges, or at least deal with them in a better way. Instead of feeling sad about our experiences and situations, we can use them as a tool to relate to other people and make lasting connections. Even though everyone has a different story and situation, in the end, all human beings stand united because our experiences shape who we are. By simply telling each other about our experiences, we can learn how to overcome or at least better deal with our challenges and situations, and make personal connections with each other.
So the next time you feel like you can't deal with whatever you're going through, just open your dorm door and talk to the people next door, because you never know if they might just be feeling the same way.
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Student Life
Hey Freshmen, Your Mid-Year Reality Check On Utilizing Office Hours Has Arrived And You're Welcome
Lesson learned - five times out of ten, I missed that point. That hidden key the entire test is based on. Or what the professor really wants on the essay.
11 October 2018
Professor hours.
Lesson learned - five times out of ten, I missed that point. That hidden key the entire test is based on. Or what the professor really wants on the essay.
I was diligent in and out of class, formed study groups with peers, and reviewed for days on end - anything a motivated student would do.
So of course I was shocked when I received Cs for both my first math exam and my first English essay. And here I am, trying to minor in journalism. You can only imagine how great I felt afterwards, where I was totally not second-guessing my career path.
As many people warned me, what was above and beyond in high school is now the norm, if not the bare minimal, at the university level of education.
I originally thought that the key to success was some magical, invincible powers that only the gifted intellects had.
In some ways, it helps to have a photographic memory. But what I misunderstood was the significance of asking for help from professors. I misunderstood the power of sitting down to have one-on-one conversations in a smaller setting rather than trying to comprehend their scratching-the-surface teachings in lectures.
Scary? Absolutely. Resourceful? Most definitely.
My point is that talking to the "masters" themselves is the only way to you know what you don't know. Or what they are hinting at for an exam.
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Sorry If Your Sister Isn't Also Your Best Friend Because You're Truly Missing Out
Not everyone can go through the same experiences.
05 October 2018
Salma Torres
Scrolling through Instagram and Facebook, but mostly Instagram, I started to see all the post about the different women's organizations in my university getting bigs/little.
Looking at all the posts, I thought about how I used to be one of those girls, I joined a women's organization hoping I would find my best friend. I wanted to find a place where people would accept me and would give me that sisterhood feeling everyone always tells you about.
Don't get me wrong, I found some pretty great friends where I joined, and this is not about how I regretted joined something, or finding new friends, it's not that kind of post, however, it is a post to remind everyone that you don't need to join an organization to make you feel like you fit in.
To everyone with a sibling out there, this is for you.
I made great friends through my college career, some I see myself been friends for the rest of my life, while some were just passing by and taught something important about life, but we all moved on and grew up. My whole experience with women organization is not about the whole big/little program, but it's more about the friendships of the whole organization.
So, looking at all the posts, seeing all the themes and new friendships being made, reminded me of my own sister. Even though the two of us are twins, this still applies to everyone. You do not need to tell yourself you will find your best friend through college, or if you join any type of organization because if you have a sibling, you already found your best friend.
You grew up with someone that experience the same things you did, someone that understands you, someone that doesn't judge you, and most importantly, someone that is there for you. Isn't that what everyone looks for in a friendship? Someone that is going to have your back no matter what? This person, at least for me, would be my sister.
I know if I ever were to need anything, she would help me no questions ask, and she knows I would do the same for her. Now listen, we didn't go to the same college, but that is the best example of a friendship, we don't need to be in the same place to be there for each other, and most importantly we do not need to experience the same things to understand what the other feels.
You create a bond when you grow up with someone, so when you tell yourself you are going to find your best friend in college, you might be set to high of a standard for everyone.
Don't get me wrong, a lot of people do find their next partner in crime in college, but at least to me, having a sister means having a built-in best friend, and I wish everyone was lucky enough to experience the same things I did. Because I know that no matter what, I would always have someone to talk to, and I will always feel that there is someone that has my back no matter what. That is the definition of friendship to me.
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