Don't Forget That Baby Steps Still Move Us Forward, No Matter How Small
This comes straight from the heart.
As young adults, we pound our selves day after day with the idea that we are not doing enough. We get discouraged when the efforts we make don't show immediate results. We get down. We fall "under the weather."
Seeing everyone achieve great things in front of you while you refrain from acknowledging your own progress can be exhausting. Trust me, I know. But if there is one thing I can reassure you of is that we all tend to forget that baby steps still move us forward, giving up is not the solution. Please don't forget that.
We all move at our own pace. It is very easy to get distracted by those around you. Progress steps and milestones don't shine as bright as achievements. Don't let the brightness from other people's achievements cast over the great steps you've taken to where you want to be.
This goes for every situation in your life. If your goal is to intern at your dream company but you keep seeing everyone else receive offers from their dream companies before you, don't forget to think about all the steps you've taken towards applying for that opportunity. Your past experiences, your skill set. Don't forget to think about everything you have to offer.
If your goal for this semester is to get your body back in shape and ready for spring break but aren't seeing the results you want. Think about this. Other people see your results before you can see your own. Why? Because you are so familiar with your own life, your own body, a routine is just a routine that you are looking at from the inside. Think about how every trip you take to the gym and every healthy food choice you make are small steps that will build up to your desired goal. Not every decision comes with an immediate result so please, please, please. Just keep going.
Every step you take takes you further than you could have gotten without it. Think about walking on a sidewalk. if you take one step forward, you've gotten one step closer. If you decide to stand in place, you won't be going anywhere.
No matter how little or big your steps are, you are constantly getting closer to where you want to go. Keep your chin up and your mind positive. There is only one way to go and that direction is forward.