From The Modern-Day Girl Living In A Big Town That Feels Small
I find that while my summer is full of things to do and I'm managing to keep myself busy, its not the same as being at Rutgers.
Going to a big school like Rutgers means that there is something new to see and a new person to meet every, single day. The sheer size of each campus means that there are new places to discover on a regular basis. At Rutgers, I am always interested in exploring every little nook and cranny on whichever campus I'm on for the day, or even the hour. There is never a lack of excitement, with something happening literally all the time.
It is a lot different at home. Now, by no means do I live in a small town. In fact, I can never even tell when I drive into the neighboring towns, as they seem to just merge into one another. But after spending about eight months away from my home, everything seems different. Like there is simply nothing to do.
Don't get me wrong, I've loved seeing all of my friends and visiting our favorite places. However, you can only go to the same places so many times. Since being home, I've been to the mall and Target more times than I can count on my hands.
I find that while my summer is full of things to do and I'm managing to keep myself busy, it's not the same as being at Rutgers. It's a different kind of busy. While I've managed to fill my time with shopping trips, trips to the beach, and working on my pre-training modules for OIT, there isn't something that I've been constantly doing. There is no need to study or brave the horrible weather to go print something. There is absolutely no need to leave my dorm an hour before my class to catch a bus. And I definitely don't need to be spending so much of my money at Starbucks and getting pink drinks or iced chai tea lattes.
Coming back to my hometown after spending so much time at my second home at college, made everything feel so much smaller. Everything feels closer together and like I've every single place possible.
On the other hand, its a nice change of scenery from hustle and bustle of College Avenue. While things seem different from Rutgers, its nice to take a break from everything and see what my home has to offer (even if I might already know about it). It helps that my best friend has sacrificed so much time and driven an hour to see me and all that my town has to offer. Giving him a tour puts things in a whole new perspective. So, while my town feels a heck of a lot smaller than it really is, I've managed to see the best of things. All my old favorite spots are just like I remember them and I'm glad I get to share them with my best friend.