Finding Yourself Is One Of The Best Journeys You Will Ever Have
Losing who we are, is like loosing out on living, we only get this one liff so we need to live it and have fun.
I'm 35 and have not done a lot in my life, I am married to a wonderful man and have 3 beautiful boys and I'm in my last year of college. But I feel that I'm still finding myself because I haven't seen or done a lot or been to many places and I have never been out of the U.S.
And I feel that now that I'm done having kids, its time for me to start my journey for me. and I think that is one of the most important adventures we can have, is finding who we are and enjoying that journey of self-discovery.
I have thought for the longest time, that all I am is a mom and wife, and don't get me wrong those two things are two of the best parts of my life and I wouldn't change it for the world. But there is part of me that needs to be found and I feel that finding ourselves are a lifetime journey, because we will always be finding out something new about ourselves.
learning new things about ourselves can be an adventure in itself, But so many of us, me included can walk on eggshells because there are things we want to try but we feel we are being judged because maybe we are older and have a family or people just don't think we can do that, and we feel that people will look at us, like we should not be doing that.
Many of us loose who are as we get older, But to quote Mary Oliver
"Tell me, What is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?"
"Instructions for living a life. Pay attention. Be Astonished. tell about it."
"I don't want to end up simply having visited this world"
We just can't stop living just because we get older, married and have a family, that is just part of our journey there is so much more to life and in your life to find and discover, when we stop discovering new things then we stop living, and just go about a mundane life just going about a routing and that's it.
adventures can come in all forms, you can go hiking, rock climbing or just simply sit at home or outside and get lost in a good book, these can be things to find yourself and things you enjoy. This is the only life we get and we need to enjoy it no matter how bad things get there is always light and joy somewhere in the darkness.
So find things you like to do, things that bring out your personality and make you laugh, Because when you feel lost that means you are losing part of who you are and need a little adventure, and never let people tell you that you are too old to do something, or that you can't do that because you are a mom or dad.
There are so many ways you can find yourself and find things that you like that maybe you never thought you would and just go on an adventure to find who you really are, even if it does take a lifetime.